Monday, April 22, 2024

A Visit With My Mother.

Yesterday I visited my mother and I even got to go early as the 17 YR old skipped badminton, not wanting to "hurt" himself( although I don't really know how you'd hurt yourself playing badminton unless you got whacked in the head with the racket) before he goes out for his late birthday outing today at Fly-Away which is basically an indoor skydiving place. I've always wanted to do that,too, but my hubby says that I'm "too fat and out-of-shape" to do it.😢When we first arrived she was even sitting outside getting fresh air even though it was really windy and cold and at first I didn't even recognize her (with the dark sunglasses and I thought what looked like a pink turban but closer up I could see later was a hat)as she was all bundled up and I said to my hubby, Look at that poor old lady freezing out in the cold! and he told me that was her, and I was shocked and said, Oh, my God! She looks so f*cking old!  and as we got closer I recognized her. I also cut her hair like she requested as she doesn't want to pay 30$ for the hairdresser to come in and do it and she tried to hit up my hubby for some $$$ too, saying, "I hate not having any $$$" but it was pointless as he didn't have any on him,either, and had to go back to the car and dig around and all he found were some loose coins that only totalled about 8$.

My friend D( from grade 6) is also in Portugal and I remember when I was in Lisbon they had life-sized cow statues at the airport painted for art(I wonder if they still have them?) and a Christ The Redeemer statue like they have in Rio. This morning it's so cold too when I woke up it was -2 C and I had to even put my heater on at 4 am and even Buddy was cold and barked at me to put his blankets back on(for real!) and I fear he's also statistically most likely to die next month as well as May is always a bad-luck month for us where something bad always happens, plus most people in our family die in May as well so I always get nervous when May comes around. I also heard a neighbour mowing his lawn yesterday and that's another bad thing about all the rain we've had lately; it makes the grass grow more(and faster) too so it needs to be cut.
I also just found out that today is Earth Day. Yeah, I don't give a flying f*ck.

Wanting just to stay awake Wondering how much I can take.-Chicago


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