Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Aw, shit.

Aw, shit, yesterday came and went and nothing happened. We're all still here, no Armageddon, no end of the world. I didn't really expect it would happen, or think it would actually happen,but I was still hoping. Today I'm all congested as well and I can even smell my clogged-up sinus; it smells like an old mouldy towel or dishcloth that's been left out for days unwashed. It's just soooo gross and I can't get away from it. Just yuck!  Due to all the rain the dandilions have also come out early this year,too, in April( they don't usually come until May) and I think they just look so ghetto all over the lawn but I can never keep up with them, my yearly war on the dandilions and it seems for every one I uproot that two more just grow back in their place and I get so discouraged and frustrated(and my poor back is just killing me!) I just end up giving up eventually and they win.
Every year.
We used to get the lawn sprayed with chemicals, that is, until the enviro freaks made a dumb law get passed banning pesticides and then they had to switch to some stupid organic crap made from mushrooms that didn't even work and we still got the dandilions anyway so we just stopped. Why pay $$$$ when it doesn't even work? I also realized too that sap is actually tree blood.

I also listen to the Alice Cooper radio show every night and the other night he said that the Bryan Adams' song Summer of '69 actually isn't about the summer of 1969 like I always thought it was but actually about 69, you know, the sexual position(who knew?) ,and I also heard the ZZ Top song Tubesnake Boogie is also about doing IT.  and Whitesnake was named after David Coverdale's, well....ummm....dink.I wonder too how many other songs are "secretly" metaphors for It as well and people have no idea? HA! Israel is now also attacking Rafah as well, the only and last place 1.5 million Palestinians have fled for shelter, the last place they were told was "safe" and yet USA still continues to send Israel weapons. and each day I'm more and more convinced that Netanyahu might very well just BE the Anti-Christ, and electronics never work for me,either, (even the radio and the Google Home device f*cks up for me all the time and my Internet goes off every few minutes,too)and it makes me wonder if I somehow emit a frequency that interrupts the signal or something?

I dream of the next life, relinquished from these chains.-Pickles


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