Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Diverticulitis And A Bad Bagel.

I was woken up at 4 am during the night last night with agonizing stomach and abdomenal pain(and I still have it now, plus now I also feel nauseated,too) and it's sooooo bad it has to be something more than just my diverticulitis and that bad bagel I ate the other day! The pain is so bad I even break out into a sweat and rock from the pain and even come close to passing out. It's similar to the worst constipation pain you can imagine only it's not that because I did a shit OK and I still have the pain. Maybe I do have cancer? Yesterday my hubby also finally got the donuts I've been asking for for days but he only got 6 so they were scooped up in mere seconds and he also got the Smile cookies (seen here) at Tim Hortons too where the proceeds go to charity( the 29 YR old just calls a business/tax write-off) and they went quickly,too.
 It was like feeding time at the zoo! HA!

I also got this sea salt and Pacific kelp body scrub for the bath that actually smells like bananas and lathers really well. You can't get it here in this shithole country; only in USA but you can order it on Amazon. I love it and the 29 YR old was already ordering some so I just had him order me one too and I paid him back, plus he already gets free shipping ,anyway. I'm also going to order some bath bombs from Lush for my Mother's Day gift from my hubby. He also got a hubcap at a used car place to replace our missing one and is getting the bullet hole in the windshield fixed this week,too, so there goes his entire tax refund.I also saw one of my schools( one that I liked) on the news last night and it made me smile, bringing back happy memories of a good time in my life but it's also sad that all the happy memories are only in the past.

I also got this stretchy squishy Dachshund at Wal-Mart  the other day that's kind of like a stress ball and it makes a cool crunchy sound when you squeeze it but I have to be careful I don't squeeze it too hard  or it might rip like that Stretch Armstrong toy I had as a kid I stretched too hard and the leg tore off and all the gooey stuff inside got all hard. I also had real sour  sour cream the other day with my quesadilla as it had clumps in it but I still ate it anyway( just like the bagel with the green "fuzzies" on it) because food is just so expensive now you can't throw it out or afford to waste it. I also made a creamy chicken with rotini pasta yesterday but it didn't have enough flavour so I had to end up adding more spice and cheese.

It also rained most of the day yesterday but even when it finally stopped Buddy still refused to go outside to pee as he could still smell rain.
 He's such a diva.
 It's a Dachshund thing.
 Dachshunds don't DO rain.
It's also sad to realize that I'm not special to anyone and don't mean anything to anyone except Buddy and I never will and the hardest thing about loving someone too is when you lose them.

So are you tough enough for my love Just close your eyes to the heaven above I'm comin home, I'm comin home.-Cinderella


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