Monday, April 29, 2024

Ride, Natty,Ride.

Yesterday I got another follow-up e-mail from the lady in the UK making my newest dreads(shown in the photos here) and she said they're ready! Yay! They're just soooo *beautiful*  I want to cry and I can hardly wait for them to arrive,likely in 2 weeks or so! I just hope they don't get lost or stolen in the mail!! I'm sooooo excited to wear them! Yesterday I also visited my mother and a guy complimented my current dreads, which he referred to as my "Jamaican hairstyle". My mother also hit my hubby up for $$$ again but he only had 15$ on him (she whined, "I was hoping for at least 20$" but that was all he had) and she asked him to go get her a hamburger as well, which he dutifully did, even though I've been asking him to get donuts for 3 days! Wendys in USA also has an orange Creamsicle Frosty too but  of course we don't have it here in this shithole. We never get any of the good stuff here. Badminton also ended for the season so from now on I can visit my mother earlier and not be late getting home Sundays for awhile.Yahoo!!

Yesterday it was also a balmy 23 C and I was outside until the rain started (and today it's torrential and Buddy wouldn't go out and just came right back in....and did a huge pee on the floor) and not only did I have the bad cramps and diarrhrea but also later on my stomach felt sick,too( and it still does today!) so what the hell was wrong with that bagel? Yesterday as I sat outside enjoying the sun and nice weather I also saw 2 squirrels picking fleas, ticks, mites, or some kind of bugs off eachother and it was so cute: one layed stretched out all along across the top of the fence and the other picked the bugs off him and then they'd switch places, and an online thing asked, "How would you describe how you're feeling in just one word?" and I answered:

With our car looking so "ghetto" with what looks like a bullet hole in the front windshield (my hubby said it'll take his income tax refund to fix) and a hubcap missing at least the good is it's not as likely that anyone will steal it, and my hubby keeps mind-f*cking me and denies I put things on the grocery list even though I know I did, so it either didn't work or it got deleted( or, knowing him he probably deleted it and said I never put it on just to make me think I'm losing my mind) and continues to not replace the empty toilet paper roll when he's the last one to use it but still denies it, even though I know it was him, making me think I'm "losing" it, but narcissists never take responsibility though. Buddy also kept staring intently straight ahead at something yesterday at either something that wasn't there( delusions and hallucinating) or at something only he can see, like he's talking to ghosts, and he often wanders into corners too and gets stuck and barks at me to come get him and he also always stays close to the edges of the wall (like mice!)now,too to navigate now he's blind and won't venture to the middle of the room anymore as it's too "big" and he gets disoriented and lost and he won't wander in the yard anymore,either, for the same reason, and the other day he was waiting at the bottom cupboard door in the kitchen barking at me thinking he was at the back door wanting to go out to pee.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

I've been livin' in this lonely world Wishin' I could find someone to love Hopin' someone would come from above Change my life.-Slaughter


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