Wednesday, May 15, 2024

All For Now.

Not too much going on here lately so I thought I'd just give you some nice photos and pictures.
Yesterday I was outside hitting the bong and the smoke billowing out all around also kept the pesky mosquitoes away so it's also a natural bug repellent! Today it's finally supposed to stop raining as well and go up to 20 C but be humid and feel like 28 C and Buddy barfed on the floor in my room this morning as well and I feel like my life has just become cleaning up after everyone else and I feel like Job in the Bible,too: I lost all my material posessions in the fire 28 YRS ago(it was in my room) and I eventually  end up losing everyone I've ever loved in my life one way or another too plus not to mention  the endless trauma, misfortune, loss, struggles, etc. in my miserable life and yet I still never gave up on my trust and faith in God despite my many lamentations,losses, and questions.
If it's supposed to be some sort of test at least I passed.

I also eagerly look forward to the blessed day when I will no longer be me as we know it and I won't look, feel, and be like who I am now.
I won't be ugly, fat, stupid, or have autism or bipolar anymore.
I won't be hated, bullied, outcast, or excluded anymore.
I won't be on the outside looking in.
I won't be singled-out for ridicule,
unwanted, unloved,
rejected, left-out,
the last one picked.
I won't be seen an an "other" anymore.
People won't see me as annoying and unlikeable and unlovable anymore.

I will no longer have chronic daily pain.
No more depression, sadness, sorrow, regret, grief, loss, longing, or pain.
I will no longer be a jinx,
a failure,
a screw-up,
a disappointment,
or not good enough.

I will finally find happiness and peace
healing and forgiveness
acceptance and inclusion.
I will finally be good enough and I will be set free.

Take it easy.-The Eagles


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