Friday, May 31, 2024

All In A Day.

Yesterday was another good suntan day and my hubby got the dates mixed up again thinking he left for the chess tournament in NY yesterday( he even took the day off work) but he doesn't really actually leave until today! (duh!) so I joked he ruined my plans and now I have to cancel and re-book the male strippers and the orgy I had planned for yesterday. He also mixed up the dates for the chess tournament in Chicago,too; he thought it was in June but it turns out it's actually in July....just the day after his knee surgey,too, so he obviously won't be going to that one, and now he says he thinks there's one in August as well, as long as it's NOT on the 9th because that's my Billy Idol concert and I've been waiting over 40 YRS for this moment! The 29 YR old also said a gross 40-something old broad "hit" on him in 'Da Club as well, even grabbing her boobs as she approached him but he just got grossed-out and walked away. He thinks women "expire" once they turn 30, sort of like curdled, sour, chunky milk.

This is also my view in the backyard, nice and secluded and private, just the way I like it, and my backyard is my quiet place,too, my sanctuary and my fave. part of my house, and yesterday a kid came to the door asking if he could cut the grass and it was a godsend, an answer from Heaven but I told him he has to use his own lawn mower because ours is broken( the part is *supposed* to come on Sunday....) and he said he'll go and see if he can find one but he never returned so either he couldn't find one or he took one look at the jungle in the backyard and changed his mind. The people who bought The Scottish Lady's old house also ruined it: they got rid of the lilac bush and the other tree that was all fluffy and looked like cotton and put up this ugly fence instead and someone also threw eggs at the window at the dance studio across the street,too. People really suck! I also heard a special-needs kid died at the local highschool here when they left him unattended unsupervised left alone  in a classroom for a "time-Out."

Here is my hubby's sunburned head now, a few days later, now turned tan and peeling, ha, ha. Maybe next time he'll remember to wear a hat!The 29 YR old also said it's much better now since my mother moved out into the LTC home last year and her being here was such a "burden" and "inconvenience" so I wasn't the only one that thought so and I realized as well that our relationship was  trauma bonding and once she moved out that was why I felt so free, so emancipated, and today's the last day of May and so far so good; nothing bad happened like normally happens to us in May so unless someone dies today or something bad  happens today we're ok and this will be the first May that we haven't had some crisis or other, and I'm surprised as well Trump was found guilty( even though I thought he was) as people like that usually get "off"; they're like Teflon; nothing sticks.. I just hope there won't be another insurrection like there was last time when he lost the election and it shocks me too so many people are still going to vote for him,too. His supporters are dumber than dumb!

So now that I could manage my basic survival, it was time to learn how to interact with the world.-Michelle McGuire


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