Saturday, May 25, 2024

Billy Bucket List.

You'll never believe this but I got to cross another item off my Bucket List: too see Billy Idol live in concert!
I've been waiting over 40 years for this!!!
Yesterday watching the news I had the commercials muted like I always do but I glanced up and happened to see Billy Idol on the screen which piqued my interest and it said Rebel Tour Canada and I got all excited hoping he was finally coming here after touring in Europe last summer so I ran to my computer and went to his official website to check his upcoming tour dates and there it was, in all its glory:
Coming to Toronto 9 August!
I couldn't believe  it!
So I just shrieked in excitement  and ran all around the room and had my hubby get me a ticket( because I don't have a Paypal  and it goes to his cellphone, which I also don't have) and I just gave him the $$$ to cover it!
OMG! I can't believe it! Platinum Blonde is also the opening act, someone else I like from the 80's as well, so now it's just ELO and Foreigner left to see.(I wished I'd also seen Bob Marley, Robbie Robertson, Sinead O'Conner and Van Halen,too, except they died)
Billy Idol has always been one of my all-time faves. ever since I was like 16 or so.
This is a dream come true and something to look forward to.
I can't wait!!!!
I just hope that neither him or I die before the concert.

These are also some of our vines and you can see how the leaves are all folded around the tiny little grapes, protecting them in a little shield and below little leaves all folded up being protected by bigger leaves. I think it looks so cool and then as they mature the leaves unfurl and grow bigger. Our lawn mower part is still on back-order  as well so who knows when we'll ever get it and finally be able to cut the jungle in the backyard and it'll be so long by then we'll need a combine or some other farming tractor to cut it and it's  so half-assed it feels like we live in some Third World country, I mean, how hard can it possibly be to find a part for a lawn mower,anyway? It's not like we ordered a part for a foreign Classic exotic car or something.Yesterday I also saw a tick walking on the outside wall of our house in the back porch(I squished it) and 4 squirrels ( 2 grey and 2 black ones) come right up to me  on the porch together asking for food; it was like the squirrel ambassadors from the Squirrel Federation  paid me a visit and one of them even took a drink out of Buddy's water dish,too, the cheeky little bugger so I gave them some left-over popcorn.

This morning I also soaked in my lavender bath-bomb which turned the water a pretty purple colour and a bunch of lavender seeds burst out of the bath-bomb and floating in the tub they looked like mice turds and stuck to my skin, and it surprised me too to find out some people even take pets such as rats, Guinea Pigs, rabbits,etc. to the vet when I just thought it was for pets like dogs and cats and even then only if they can afford it as vet care is very expensive,and yesterday Buddy kept licking my right leg and whimpering and barking, as if he was  worried and trying to alert me about something, and being 18 and blind and deaf now he lives in a world of silence and darkness  and always barks to make sure I'm still there(as he's totally dependent on me now) and I have to touch him( because he can't hear my voice anymore) to reassure him I'm still there by his side.

 I also don't "get" people who live by the ocean that have pools in their backyard; why do you even need a pool when you have the ocean to swim in, and the 29 YR old shocked me saying he drinks an entire bottle of wine during the evening at 'Da Club and I think that's excessive and makes him an alcoholic; I'd think more like 1-2 glasses but an entire bottle is meant to serve an entire table at dinner, NOT all just for one person and it really worries me he might have a drinking problem, plus he also keeps bottles of booze in his room,too...

For just a second, everything was silent. And then nothing was.- Jo Eberhardt


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