Saturday, May 18, 2024


This is King Charles' new Royal Portrait and people generally hate it and say it's "awful" etc. but I actually like it (I really  like it)and think it's cool but I've always liked "different" art though and still remember in grade 11 art class I was always getting in trouble and penalized with low grades for NOT following the assignment on my art projects and being scolded that mine didn't "look like all the others" but was unique as I'd always take around 10% of the assigned what-it's-supposed-to-look-like and then do 90% of my own creative style, but isn't that what art is supposed to be though? Your own creative expression? In grade 12 though I had a good art teacher who actually appreciated creativity and liked my unique designs and rewarded it with praise and good grades and my final grade was 95%. I also had the thought "pop" into my head that either my Guardian Angel or my Spirit Guide's name is Liam and this morning as I shook up my leave-in hair conditioner( to activate it) the lid went flying off. Our kitchen ceiling's also leaking again with all the rain.
Doesn't it just figure?

Yesterday and today my upper back on the left side is really painful once again plus my arm feels numb and tingling at times too so my guess is I must have slept on it "wrong" during my nap yesterday or something, plus my abdomenal pain is still really bad as well, and this being the May long weekend always makes me nervous something bad will happen as it was on the May weekend that we had the fire, and last night I had this realistic dream(I thought was real) that my long-dead aunt and my cousins brought us over Christmas presents that were bigger than us and I got another Bob Marley shirt and I squealed, I just love  it and I can't wait to wear it when I visit my mother on Monday! I also read a Black woman say "ghetto" names like Antwon, Laquisha, Leroy, Shaniqua, etc. reflect badly and are low class and give bad impressions on Black folks, just like how redneck names like Cletus, Bubba, Zeke, Jim-Bob, Betty-Lou, Skeeter, etc. do for white trash and I can see she has a point. 
Names do indicate class.

The 29 YR old( seen here with one of his new summer shirts which I think is sort of Chinese style with the buttons) also got a delivery from India yesterday,too, even though he's always saying how much he hates India and how they're "filthy and disgusting" and they're "perverts that rape women and girls" and "always shit in the street" etc.whereas I've always liked their culture; food, music, etc. and his boss is a reg'd legal gun owner as well and he's beholden to all these stupid restrictions such as he can't keep the guns and the ammo together but must be kept separate in separate locked boxes which is stupid and no help if an intruder comes in as you won't have time to get them, unlock,and load, and he's also subject to random unannounced home inspections from the authorities too(like a parolee) to make sure he's abiding by the restrictions,too! How intrusive and Fascist! No wonder  the criminals have illegal guns!

I also got a letter from my doctor yesterday saying starting next month they're starting to charge for certain services too now no longer covered by the provincial health plan, such as 20$ every time you get prescriptions re-newed(and for me that's several medications a MONTH!!) and 150$ to fill out disability forms, 65$ to fill out guarantor forms for passports, etc.
Holy shit!
What the actual f*ck!
you can sign up for their yearly "plan" for 115$ that covers it all but it has to be re-newed every year!
So "much" for Socialized medicine!
I don't want to have to pay 115$ every year and it's going to be difficult too for people on fixed incomes like welfare, disability, pension,etc.(esp. in this town) so I wonder if maybe I should just go off  and stop my medications now then? Maybe it's a sign?

Don’t just survive in a relationship where you’re not valued. Thrive in one where you’re cherished. Life is too short for anything less.-Lana Gorokhav


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Pondering For Today.