Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Daily Grind.

Yesterday was a dark and stormy day I just hunkered down inside all day with a scented candle lit, the fairy lights on, snuggled down on the couch under a fuzzy blanket  with Buddy curled up beside me, listening to music. My left lower shoulder blade pain is also really bad again and my cough is bad again as well and even woke me up so I wonder if maybe I even have a pulmonary embolism or lung cancer or something? I was also out the back smoking me a J and I heard a lady walking by the other side of the fence kept sneezing and I was thinking, Sorry lady, but I gotta smoke mi ganja and you gotta sneeze. As I tossed my re-newed BP pills into the medicine box with all the other pills I also told them, This is the new guy. Make him feel welcome.
I know, I'm weird.

Tomorrow child # 8 also turns 25  and when I was her age I already had 3 kids, and she's the pretty one but also easily the most pretentious and I don't think she's ever been on public transportation in her entire life; even living in Ottawa she just only takes Uber  and at Christmas she stopped by and visited my mother and gave her a gift but never even bothered to drop by to see me, and even though all but 2 of the kids( the oldest and the 29 YR old) ignore me and have cut me out of their lives and don't even acknowledge me on Mother's Day(being ashamed and embarrased of me that I have autism and bipolar) I still used to send them Christmas and birthday cards but I decided no more;  from now on just to the 2 that haven't "disowned" me. I don't need that shit or those ingrates. F*ck them! The same for when I die, only those same 2 will be left anything,too, They're the only ones that acknowledge me as their mother so in equal turn they're also the only ones that I acknowledge as my kids and  heirs,too.

I also just found out yesterday that the name Edie is short for Edith; all this time I never knew and thought they were separate names and I only ever heard of 2 people named Edie(I guess since it's such an old-fashioned  name) and yesterday my poor Buddy didn't feel well,either and didn't eat anything until later in the day, and I tried to program the Google Home device to change its name to Retardo but it kept thinking it was Ricardo so I just had to settle for Shithead instead, and my hubby and I are like room mates,too; we live in the same house but live separate lives; we have separate interests, and vacation and travel separately, etc. and the only thing we did together  and have in common was have the kids.I also think Kate Middleton is dead and the Royal Family is hiding something and covering something up and something just doesn't seem quite "right"....

The face on you The smell of you Will always be with me.-Sinead O' Connor


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