Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Daily Life.

Buddy and I were outside most of the day yesterday again as well (now it's raining for the next few days)until I got a headache from too much sun. I'm also really itchy(even my hair!) the past few days, too, either from my sunburn or my liver acting-up again and Buddy is the best thing in my life,too, the light in the darkness, and without him I'd have no purpose in life and no reason to live. We also both have allergies(one thing I hate about spring. That and rain) bothering us now,too, and were sneezing all day yesterday(we both have diarrhrea,too, so I wonder what we ate?) due to it( we really do have so much in common except I don't lick my ass though or eat crap off the floor) and now the grass is so long he gets buried in it; it's taller/higher than he is in some places it's like a jungle and with him being a Low-Rider with his short stubby little legs  (Dachshund) he gets lost in there and I practically have to go on an expedition to find him! 😂I guess it's time for the 17 YR old to start cutting the grass for the season. The radio DJ also said yesterday If the DoorDash driver kidnapped your dog would you still tip him? and I said to myself, Hell no! I'd gut him like a fish!!

I also saw this photo and it's my perfect dream house by the beach( it's even purple, too, my fave. colour!) and just the right size for one person and a dog and right by the water, on the sand and surrounded by palm trees; my dream come true....of course, NOT such a good location when it comes to hurricanes and tropical storms though! Last night we apparantly had a storm too but I didn't hear a thing and slept right thru it which is unusual; usually it wakes me up and I can tell I have lost weight as well with my summer clothes now as they're much looser and baggier and I even  look thinner now,too(yay!) but of course my hubby doesn't even notice( even though he's the one that insults me for getting fat from menopause) and he also always criticizes me that I'm "always so loud" even though I don't mean to be or even realize I am; I think maybe it's due to the fact I don't hear well, and whenever I get upset, disappointed, complain, etc. he'll also sneer condescendingly, waah,waah,waah! Never any support,understanding, or empathy, just ridicule. The bath bombs still never arrived,either, and they usually come in 2 days or so and I worry they won't even  be here by Mother's Day with MY "luck" ...

With duty tax on anything inported over 250$  I never even realized it before, esp. since most things I order online are international (because you can't get much in this shithole)but I guess they were all under 250$ so it didn't matter, I only had to pay it once before when I got my Ugg boots 20 years or so ago, and my Canada Goose parka I got 15 or so years ago was 950$ but then again it's local (just like my Cougar boots)so no import tax.From now on if I get things over 250$ I'll just have to order them separately so they're under 250$ per order to avoid tax. There's always another way around it. Only 33% support the protests at the universities against the genocide in Gaza,too, so I guess they think that supporting genocide is ok but NOT protesting against it? 
People really suck.
It also reminds me of the anti-Apartheid rallies I went to when I was younger back in the 80's and good news/progress as well: USA has now stopped an arms shipment to Israel (maybe they can sanction and boycott  them,too?)now they've gone ahead an invaded Rafah, which also cuts off access to pretty much all humanitarian aid to Palestinians sheltering there as well, and how can Israel NOT see that what they're doing in Gaza is no different  than what the Nazis did to the Jews in WWII?
The oppressed have now become the oppressor.
People never learn from history.

In the end, it's as though I never gave all that time and effort to raising them-Philip


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Musing For Today.