Thursday, May 16, 2024

Day By Day.

Not too much going on here lately except last week I put my hanging ferns back outside on the front veranda after winter hibernation indoors but I'm still keeping my baby palm tree inside in the window because last year the rabbits were eating it when I had out on the back porch. It's also just the middle of May and I already have a nice dark suntan from sitting outside! I'm also looking for beads( preferably wooden ones with designs on them) for my dreads but they're surprisingly harder to find than I thought (esp. here in this Bumble-F*ck town) and it's something I have to get live in person(and not order online) because I have to check the size of the holes to make sure they're "fat" enough for my dreads to fit thru. It's also a long holiday weekend coming up(I never even knew until I heard it mentioned on the radio) so I'm going to visit my mother on the holiday Monday(instead of Sunday like usual) as my hubby has to work Sunday but he's off Monday and next weekend I miss a visit because he's away playing in a chess tournament in USA.

I also couldn't find my hubby this morning even though the car was still in the driveway so I know he didn't run off somewhere and I checked and he wasn't in his bed and he's normally doing his stupid yoga.....but it turned out he had fallen asleep in his recliner chair in the livingroom (old man, ha, ha!)as he's been  on call and working overtime this week so I guess he was tired, and yesterday he ruined my snack yet again,this is like for 3-4 weeks in a row so now I'm convinced that he's just doing it on purpose just to piss me off as I told him I wanted Papa Bites from Papa Johns  right before he left....
and what did he come back with?
Some crap from Little Caesars!
I was just sooooo mad! I was really looking forward to it,too, and excited for my Papa Bites in particular I had a craving for.
I think he even goes out of his way and purposely gets the wrong thing and f*cks it up just to get me mad becauase there's no way he can possibly be that  stupid.

I also emit this strong "yeasty" smell permeating from every pore in my body, not just from my pooty-tang  so my entire body must have a yeast infection and I put the yeast cream on the grocery list something like 2 weeks ago and my hubby still never got it, probably wanting me to just suffer or thinks it's too expensive and not "worth" the $$$ so I just have to suffer, and I remember as well the first Greek word I learned was when I was 4-5 and I heard my friend's grandmother calling her to come inside, venika!  and then later as I got older other Greek friends teaching me more, uh, "sophistocated" words such as fa skata  and malaka,ha,ha, and the 29 YR old ordered some new clothes from Europe as well and got stuck paying 150$ in duty tax! Holy f*ck! That's even worse than the 50$ I had to pay, and now they're going to pass a new provincial legislation they claim is going "hard" on drunk drivers( it's become a real problem here in this shithole and the worst it's been in 5 years) lose your driver's license for LIFE if you drive drunk and kill someone.
Wow...oh, wow.
That's it?
Like they're even going to care.
They'll still just drive anyway without a licence.
How about put them in jail for life instead? That's more like it.Like they do in other countries that aren't so half-assed.

We are the children of the Rastaman.-Bob Marley


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