Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Yesterday my allergies were soooo bad I felt like I was being face-f*cked by pollen! The pollen count must have been high as the 29 YR old had it bad,too, and my eyes were sooo itchy,swollen, and "weepy" and it was so bad I had to take both Benadryl and Reactine! It's also been muggy and sticky for the past couple of days I've even had to put the A/C on and today and tomorrow supposed to get up to 28 C and feel like 34 C. We also had a storm this morning at 5 am we weren't even supposed to get rain so I'm just sooo glad I brought the patio cushions in last night! I wasn't going to originally( again, we weren't supposed to get rain) but something told me to so I did and at 5 am I was woken up by bad cramps and had to do a shit and I saw the lightning and then heard the thunder and when I looked out the window it was raining! Supposed to get more during the day and a biiiig one tomorrow afternoon,too.It's funny as well I found out the new Lenny Kravitz album doesn't actually "drop" until the 24th and yet yesterday I still somehow got a copy from some guy in Greece!

My hubby also finally sees the orthopedic surgeon today(but even if he does need surgery it probably still won't be until at least another 3-6 months) and it's a good thing I reminded him(I feel like his secretary) because he thought it was next week, and not only that but he also mixed-up the dates for his chess tournament and told me it was this upcoming weekend and so I arranged our food menus all around and got all excited looking forward to a few days break without him here....and then he tells me he got the weeks mixed-up and it's actually NOT until the weekend after.
I also visited my mother and she said another person( a guy in his 60's who'd just been there a few days!) also fell and got a head injury and died( she said there's been a few of them lately!) he was leaning forward reaching for something and fell over  and landed on the floor hitting the front of his head and died. Holy shit! I also spent most of the day suntanning (until someone got too much sun )and with my luck I'll probably die outside tanning topless too and I just hope someone at least puts my shirt back on me before calling EMS if so.

I also love these funky groovy 60's hippie-style pants but I don't have the thin figure to wear them and they "stick"  and "cling"to you and  it would only make a fat hippo like me look even fatter but I can still admire them, and I have to call the pharmacy today as I need a renewal on one of my meds and have to do it before the doctor starts charging 20$ per re-newal next month( and you'd think he already earns enough as it is and doesn't need to nickel and dime his patients) and I'll ask Mohammed the pharmacist if he can request him to make it a 6 month prescription too so it won't have to be re-newed as often.
There's always a way.
Yesterday my hubby and the kids also had their version of playing board games online via a sort of "conference" call ; they've always had this entire separate life away from me that doesn't incl. me and I never really liked board games  anyway( except for Trivial Pursuit and the odd time I'd play Risk or Monolopy with my cousins but only if I got to use the Scottie dog game piece in Monolopy otherwise I refused to play; If I can't be the Scottie dog then I'm not playing!!) and even as a kid I prefered "artsy fartsy" things like for painting and drawing and creating things such as Spirograph(which I absolutely loved) Lite-Brite, Creepy Crawlers, soap-making, candle-making,colouring books, paint-by-numbers, beading, tracing pictures, colouring in the dots, what we used to call "gimp" (a kind of braiding) etc.

It's sad to well remembering my hubby and I used to have this silly game decades ago too where we'd ambush eachother and try to give eachother hickies and yet now he has zero interest in me at all because I got old and fat(even though he did,too!) and years ago he also made up this funny song, Nothing would be finer than to be in her vagina and now he won't go anywhere near it. It makes me feel like an outdated,expired, wilted old  piece of produce that gets tossed out into the dumpster.

I just have too many walls built up around me and it’s my ‘safe place’. -Money Over Men


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Pondering For Today.