Friday, May 17, 2024


Last night my hubby wouldn't go to Papa Johns to pick up the Papa Bites I have been craving ( even though it was him that screwed-up and got me the wrong thing the day before and ruined my snack yet again) and I still had the craving that wouldn't be satisfied until I got those yummy little chicken parmesan little goodies into my fat I just ordered them online myself instead and had them delivered.
F*ck him! I don't need him or have to depend on him!
Of course it cost twice as much (but we all have to pay for the important things in life) but it was the only way and the important thing was at least I got my food and the craving was satisfied( and how!) and it just made me appreciate it even more and enjoy every bite twice  as much! I was planning on taking a photo of it but I forgot and I was just so excited to get the food( and it came quickly,too, in just 20 minutes!) and I was so hungry that I completely forgot about the photo and just ate it so this is the photo you get, with it all gone. The neighbours also had a BBQ yesterday as Buddy and I sat outside all day( it was 23 C but felt like 28 C and I was actually sweating!) and it also made us hungry all day!

Our mulberry trees also finally have leaves on them; they are the last to blossom and are Late Bloomers just like I was(I was the last of my friends to develop,too) and sitting outside I can also smell the lilacs from the neighbour's and it smells so wunnerbar-gut and in June it will be a year already since my mother moved out( it went by so fast!) as well and life has been soooo much better and calmer now with her not here anymore with much less tension, strife, conflict, etc. and my hair also grows so fast lately,too, half an inch a week now( it used to grow half an inch a month) and yesterday my friend in California( also the mother of the 29 YR old's ex-GF) had an ablation done and luckily it all went well and she's now recovering.

Yesterday the oven wasn't working,either, and after 45 minutes the timer went off so I went to take the souvlaki out....and it was still frozen, cold,and I did it again, and I touched the coil( which was still dark and hadn't turned red) to see if it was hot and I still burned my fingers and blisters showed up right away( so it WAS hot) and I checked it with 18 min. still left to go on the timer....and then it was over-cooked so I don't know what's wrong with it but I just hope we don't need a new stove because that's another expense we can't afford, and the 28 YR old went with his fiance to see a live production of  Les Miserables as well, the lucky duck, but his fiance has $$$ though, having a PhD in some science, owns his own house and has a Tesla, so I guess he's doing OK for himself  and  can afford it.

Yesterday the 29 YR old was also expecting a delivery they said would arrive between 9am-Noon and it never came(as if they're ever on time!) so he went out, even though I told him he should wait until it arrives first and then go out or else he'll miss it but he said he had stuff to do and wasn't going to wait around inside all off he went, and sometime when he was out it did arrive but they just took it back and left (and I never even heard the door because I was outside in the backyard and he has to pay for it,anyway) so he still never got it and I realize life is also a stage and everyone's an actor just playing a part.

We’ve been scapegoated and gaslit into believing everything wrong is our fault for so long that it’s our default setting. That’s the legacy we inherited from our family of origin.-Bluebelle


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