Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Just For Today.

Here's a close-up of my hubby's Darth Vader mask/helmet. Now that's more like it and the one he should have got in the first place! I also asked him how his niece's wedding reception was; what they served for dinner and how the live band was and he laughed and said it wasn't the typical reception I'm used to and thinking of; and I would have absolutely hated it and I asked Why? Did they serve roast beef or fish? and he said  it wasn't held at a banquet hall or at a hotel but at a pub/sports bar and they had a hockey game on the big screen TV's and it was an entirely redneck vibe all over(I wonder if they even had redneck country music playing,too?)....just eeeewwww.... I'm so glad I didn't go, afterall, and my hubby said his niece's oldest child is 10 already( wow, I couldn't believe it; time goes by so fast!) and his nephew's wife has bladder cancer and just had her 3rd surgery for it. I also don't think  for me that it's normal that everything always hurts all the time either and that I'm always so drop-dead jet-lagged tired even if I AM 57 and I must have some kind of cancer and it's likely spread.

Yesterday I also got a sunburn on my face, arms, and legs, and my hubby put the A/C in my bedroom window so it's ready for when it gets really hot, and the 29 YR old likes my new dreads(but he's always had better taste and more style than my hubby,anyway) and yesterday the 17 YR old had Games Night with the homeschooling group, and the 29 YR old finished off a big 6 day job that paid 12K; it was with one of their best customers(I guess so!) and he has a huge  Tiffany chandelier that costs 650K,too! Just wow! He also said if you import anything costing over 250$ you have to pay duty-tax and one time he even had to pay 150$ duty-tax on something he bought! Holy shit! I'll have to keep that in mind from now on and make sure I keep whatever I order under 250$ to avoid paying tax.It's also officially summer for me now too I started wearing my short-sleeve T-shirts, shorts and going barefoot, and I read somewhere as well it would take 75 minutes for the entire world to be destroyed in a nuclear war which surprised me actually; I thought it would be much quicker with today's modern technology, like  in only 15-20 minutes or so.

I was an outsider - like a fly on the wall, a statuette on the shelf, something which was seen but not taken into account, never taken into circles, never invited to parties etc. I was shunned, ostracized and excluded.-Susanna Viljanen


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