Sunday, May 26, 2024

Les Fleurs.

Yesterday afternoon we had heavy rain so my hubby couldn't play pickleball so I got to visit my mother afterall, and as she said, So, that was God taking care of us! When I arrived she was doing an activity painting rocks and said twice she'd been on outings to the local mall with others from the LTC home; they took a van and had helpers with them and she said it felt really good to get out for a couple of hours.She also sits outside in the sun every day(like I do) and said when she had her knee surgey she just got a spinal block and was awake and watched the surgery on a monitor so I guess they really are just putting my hubby out then for his because he is a pussy! HA! She also asked my hubby what he got the 21 YR old for her 21st birthday and he goes, I said Happy Birthday! and she said how she should have gotten a keepsake 21 birthday jewellery, like a charm, necklace, etc. even though I never got anything like that for mine.None of my "milestone" birthdays ever got any special recognition or acknowledgement.
No one ever celebrates me.😭

I also gave her these flowers(seen here) which she loved and she'd call out everyone that went by and gush Come and see the lovely flowers my daughter brought me! so at least I know she likes them and I also got myself pretty pink Gerbera daisies( seen below) and I can still remember too the first time I remember death touching our family I must have been 8 or 9 or so and my mother told me Uncle P had a stroke.
Me: What's a stroke?
Her: A blood clot in your brain
Me: Did he die?
Her: yes
Me: Who IS Uncle P anyway?
her: Babushka's brother
Then when I was 12-13 the first time I actually saw a dead body was at the Orthodox church at the funeral of my mother's friend and co-worker's husband and his body looked almost grey.
She later went on to re-marry.

I also noticed the top of my right foot is really puffy, swollen and feels all "spongy" and squishy(so much so my shoe is tight at the top) but I don't have it on my left foot, so I wonder what it is, and one of my cousins in Europe and her hubby are in Egypt for their 30th anniversary so I just hope no stray bombs or missles don't come over from the war in Israel right next-door, and I still can't believe I'm finally going to get to see Billy Idol and I just hope it's not cancelled or something( with MY "luck") like with Lenny Kravitz; the first time I had tickets it was cancelled because his mother died and then the second time it got cancelled because he was sick and then finally on the third try I got to see him! I don't care if I'm bleeding out of my eyes, or in traction, semi-comatose, or on life-support, nothing is going to stop me from going to that concert, and even if my hubby refuses to drive me I'll just hire a limo instead.

This morning my hubby also did a shit in the bathroom just before I had my bath, knowing I was coming in, even though he does have 2 other bathrooms he could have used( so I know he just does it to annoy me) and then on top of that left the empty toilet paper roll,too, so I took a new roll and put it on and showed him, See? Is that really so hard to put a new one on for the next guy? and he sneers,Your're capable of doing it! except that's NOT the point. The last one who uses it all up should replace it for the next guy. It's only common courtesy( but he's never been considerate or thoughtful) and the next guy might have a turd hanging out of their ass and not appreciate having to rummage around trying to find toilet paper!
He's such an asshole.
He can suck my dick ...and my balls,too, if I had them.😂
He can suck everything.

Everybody you meet is fighting a battle you don’t know about. Attack them. Now they’re fighting two battles-JonDrake


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