Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Check out my suntan already! It's nice and dark and  I practically look like an Indian! No spray-on or self tanners either, just  the old-fashioned method of baby oil and iodine and sitting out in the sun. Yesterday it was really muggy and sticky and well( 28 C and felt like 35 C) I could only tan for 90 min. and then had to go into the shade and in the morning it was just too hot for Buddy to even be outside and he couldn't come out until later in the afternoon when we had more shade and a bit of a cool breeze. He also doesn't mind it now when I "pickle" him( rub apple cider vinegar on his fur for mites) because now all wet it cools him off in the heat and with it so sweltering out I really miss not having the pool open anymore as it's perfect swimming weather now but we just can't afford to open it anymore esp. since I'm the only one that uses it and it's "not worth it" just for me.😭 Yesterday the neighbours next door also had their hose spraying and I could even smell the water( which apparantly is something not all people can) and it brought back happy memories of my childhood.

This morning I also noticed our grass at the front had been cut so I thought one of the neighbours must have gotten sick of looking at the monstrosity and cut it but as it turned out my hubby asked the neighbour across the street if we could borrow their lawnmower until the part to repair ours comes in and the 17 YR old cut it. My hubby also saw the orthopedic surgeon yesterday and his name's Dr. Stein so I joke his name is Frank.N. and it's the same as before, a torn meniscus and he needs surgery (also the same as he had before years ago)and I don't know why they don't just replace the knee and just get it over with instead of always having to repeat fixing the same thing over and over again and I'm surprised too he's getting a General anesthesia for it when normally anything minor below the waist you just get a spinal block anesthetic but maybe they have to put him "under" since he's such a weenie and can't stand the sight of blood and would freak out so it's just easier to knock him out? The surgery is 12 July and he already got the date wrong and told the 29 YR old it's on the 21st. Duh.

At first I was worried as well the MRI would show my hubby has Ewing's Sarcoma or something, that would be the bad thing to happen to us this May but luckily not and so far so good,too(but the month isn't over yet) and Buddy also has a saggy-baggy turkey neck like I do as well, and the scheduled power outage for today was cancelled as well(yay!) and the other day driving by a cemetary I saw these gigantic lilac bushes that I've never seen any so tall and wondered what was in the soil to make them grow so massive and then it hit me....thousands of decomposing bodies in the ground and then....Oh, my God.....just eeeeewwwww! and the most impressive things I've ever seen too have been from the air: the Alps just before landing in Germany and fields of  lines of rainbow colours from tulip farms approaching our descent to Amsterdam.

I also heard on the radio about an ground and above ground pool and wonder what's the difference; wouldn't they  both be the same thing(as opposed to an inground pool like we have) and I wondered as well if maybe Jesus is also the Holy Spirit, as it said in the Bible that In the beginning was The Word and The Word was with God....and it's funny too whenever my mother phones it goes to the answering machine and she gets all confused and doesn't know when to leave a message and just ends up hanging up and calls right away on my hubby's cell phone so why doesn't she just call that number in the first place then?

So long I've lived, yes I have In wants and sorrows.-Bob Andy


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Pondering For Today.