Friday, June 7, 2024

A Day In The Life.

I came across this old photo of the 29 YR old when he was 11 and I took him and the oldest( who was 16 at the time) on a cruise across Europe. Here he is on the ship staring out the window looking at other ships in port.When I showed him the photo he was surprised and said he never knew I had photos of his childhood when in actual fact I have hundreds,if not thousands of photos of him and all the kids when they were younger.I also heard a radio ad saying Power tools are a man's second-best friend and I bet his best friend is his own dick,ha,ha, and we broke a rain record for yesterday as well; 26 mm( the old record 11 years ago was 15 mm) we had soooo much it was a gutter-washer and Buddy even refused to go out to pee, and I still laugh remembering when I was a kid and my cousin was visiting and I wanted to go to the pet store and buy a gerbil but it was heavy rain and he said, I'm not stupid enough to go out in the rain! and I said, Well, I am! and everyone laughed but I meant I was still going to go out in the rain ,anyway, not that I was stupid, and I heard a new parkette was being dedicated as well so a parkette must be a female version of a park.😂 There's also this rumour online that Biden had to leave an event because he shit his pants and people are making fun of him but I think that's just mean and I think it's just sad and I feel sorry for him, the poor old geezer.My bank is also being investigated for money laundering and I don't know if I should be shocked or impressed.

I also looove this Bohemian/Gypsy-style skirt, and the pain in my mid-back on the left side feels like really badly bruised ribs even though I never fell or hurt them and the pain is from the inside and it even hurts when I take in a breath, and yesterday my arm was really itchy and when I scratched it a mole came entirely off,and I also decided to cut down to only 3 meds now,too; the BP pills, the Prozac  for depression, and the Topiramate that takes care of migranes, bipolar, seizures, and heart issues,and this morning my hubby slept in so he was late having his shower when it was time for me to have my bath so I told him to save some hot  water for me and not use it all and he gruffed, whatever! always such an inconsiderate asshole,and I heard during the Covid scamdemic only 20% of people thought for themselves and didn't comply(like me!) which meant 80% were mindless sheeple and one of my trans friends ( male to female) has been on hormones for 3 years now but still looks the same; I don't see any difference and still doesn't look feminine and I heard too a woman de-trans; had her boobs cut off as a teen and got hormones to "turn" male and then changed her mind and went back to her original female and now had a baby (but she won't be able to breastfeed, with no boobs)which apparantly is rare, because apparantly the hormones make you infertile.The world is just so f*cked-up.

We all have beauty some just can’t see it.-Donavin Brown


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