Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A Look Back.

I saw this on one of those nostalgia sites I belong to and I had this exact same one in the early 80's. It's a car race video game and now it's so simple with such basic graphics I laugh, esp. compared to what the kids have now but back then it was avant-garde and I loved it and had so much fun with it spending hours playing with it. I also had the Barbie  case below in the 70's as a kid where I could carry the dolls and some of the wardrobe( I had so much though it took up 2 big suitcases, with all the dolls, clothes, furniture, horses,etc.) and I remember I even had the tiny little hangers for her clothes,too.Ahhh.....the memories. I wish I could go back, times were simple then and happy. If I ever had the opportunity to time-travel I'd definitely go back to the 70's and 80's. I was so happy then....except for the being molested and bullied part. It's also been a year already since my mother spent 2-3 months in the hospital and was awaiting placement in the nursing home and I can still clearly remember how stressful it was, with her here at first and then having to visit her every day and then what a relief it was when she finally went to the LTC home where she's happier and life is much better at home here for the rest of us,too.

My hubby and the 29 YR old say now Buddy's old, blind, deaf, decrepit, and fully dependent on me it's also time to put him "out to pasture" as well but I wouldn't even think of it; he's my best friend, the best thing to ever happen to me, and I love him and am commited to looking after him and I'd never abandon him like that; he's mine and I'm his always and forever; I'd never put him "down" or abandon him to a shelter; we're a team and we go together. Yesterday I also saw a cardinal family and both the mother and the father were feeding the baby, who still had the dull brown fluffy downy baby feathers and only a bit of the tell-tale bright red cardinal feathers beginning to grow and starting to show under the tail and one wing, and a historic win too for the Conservatives in a Toronto by-election yesterday,too; the corrurpt Liberals have held it for over 30 years and they were decimated , hopefully foretelling the same in the next federal election too and we can finally get rid of that f*cktard Trudeau, who is the worst  PM in history!!

Our new dishwasher is also supposed to come tomorrow and in the meantime no one wants to hand-wash dishes so this is what we have now, with every dish in the house dirty(I just keep my same plate and fork) HA! and I also watched the first 2 episodes( out of 10) of the new Criminal Minds Evolution  and it's been 3-4 years or so since the original series ended and I enjoyed it and most of the orginal cast is back, except for 3 of the characters; the hot guy that Penelope playfully flirted with, the original boss- guy, and the genius guy who had the schizophrenic mother. I also had really baaaad indigestion( or an impending heart-attack....who knows?) that kept waking me up from 1 am(and I still have now) that feels like a sharp boring and burning pain  deep in the middle of my chest and my cough is constant today as well and I also feel like I'm "drowning" in fluid and my abdomenal and back pain is really bad,too.Ugh! Looking back, I guess eating that spicy paratha for my snack just a couple of hours before bed last night wasn't such a good idea...

Every girl is beautiful, it just takes the right guy to see it.-Yahiya Ali


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