Tuesday, June 4, 2024


You aren't going to believe this but the part for the lawn mower actually did arrive yesterday, finally! It looked like some sort of cable and only took my hubby less than 5 minutes to put it in and fix it and luckily it WAS the problem and now the lawn mower is back to working again, thank God, and all for just 17.50$ for the part instead of over 500$ for a new mower( which we don't have,anyway) like the 29 YR old's boss who had to buy a new one because his broke,too. The 17 YR old was finally able to cut the grass( shown above) and just look  at it! Isn't it just wonderful? Hallelujah! It just looks so nice  now and much better for my allergies now too and not so many ticks,either, and now Buddy can also finally get back out on the lawn and not be buried under the long grass or end up covered in ticks! I was also now finally able to put my garden lights in( shown in the 2 photos below).
Now I'm a Happy Camper.😊

Yesterday I also saw a hawk( or was it a falcon?) flying overhead but luckily at that time it was too hot and Buddy was panting so I put him inside so the hawk wasn't able to swoop down and snatch him up as prey and now he's 18 and blind and deaf he really has separation anxiety now too he's helpless and totally dependent on me and barks every time I'm not right by his side so now I invented the clever idea of feeding him at the same time I have my meals too so at least I can eat in peace without him barking and interrupting, and the 26 YR old said it's sad how he's succumbed to the ravages of old age,too, but that he's also one tough little hotdog  and he also asked me what I'm going to do once the youngest( now 17) leaves home and I told him just continue on; the same as I've always done. My stomach pain was also so bad it woke me up at 2 am and I still have it and my back hurts really bad still,too.

Yesterday I also saw a bird slut! A male grackle mated with a female and flew off and another male was sitting next to them on a tree branch watching  and waiting and then she started flirting with him with her seductive mating call and fluffing her tail feathers at him so then he came over and mated with her,too, so I wonder when the time comes for her to lay those eggs how is she even going to know who the Baby Daddy is?HA! What a 'ho! I also couldn't find the rest of my bath-bomb this morning I'd saved to use today and I thought someone had thrown it out because everyone's always so mean to me it's my natural reaction by default but it turned out someone had just moved it, much to my relief, and I heard someone say her parents had immigrated here from Colombia too to try to give their kids a "better" life but now the kids have grown and are now moving back to Colombia to give their kids a better life because this shithole is so unaffordable, plus all the Woke-ness and Political Correctness and anti-family sentiment. It's not uncommon,either; many immigrants find out what it's really like here and are disillusioned and end up going back.

There is something in your life that is not working, and as hard as you try, you just can't make the unworkable work.-Debbie Choplin


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