Saturday, June 8, 2024

Jesus Sandals.

You're not going to believe this but remember I mentioned before when I was 12-13 I had a pair of those leather Jesus sandals and I loved them and have been looking all over for a pair for decades ever since, incl. every year at the Ex, but could never find them? Well, guess what the 29 YR old came home with yesterday? 
Jesus sandals!
He also bought a cool funky 'genie"/harem-style pants I love and he let me try on the sandals(and I took a photo)  even though it's too small for me and he said he's going back to the store today when he's in town for his singing lesson and I'll give him the $$$ and he'll pick me up a pair!!!
I'm just so excited! I just hope they have it in my size, and in the meantime I still have the photo for my memories.

This morning I also enjoyed my lemon/lime bath-bomb It had a mild citrus fragrance and turned the bath water a light green/yellow and reminded me of when the pool gets algae. Yesterday morning  I also got outside for only 45 minutes until I heard thunder twice so I had to haul ass and go back inside and then in the afternoon the same thing happened only then I only got 40 minutes before I heard thunder again and had to go inside and it felt like I was chasing thunderstorms all day....or else they were chasing me but at least I got almost 2 hours outside I didn't think I'd have.It baffles my mind too I can still remember things such as the Mekong River is in Vietnam and y=mx+b but I can't remember what I just came into the room for.I can still remember nick-names I made for my teachers,too: Lurch, Pinhead, Goggle-Head, Weasel, Charlie Brown,etc.

I also saw on the toilet paper wrapper it said part of the proceeds go so more kids can play hockey and I thought it was just the dumbest thing ever; I mean who cares; it's hardly a priority( and growing up I only knew one person who even played hockey; it's for rednecks) how about donating the proceeds to a more worthy cause instead, like the foodbanks, homeless shelters,breakfasts for kids in the schools, etc.? I also miss the news again tonight due to some stupid horse race and this is the third time they've pulled this shit,too, and I'm tired of it!! I think world news and what's going on in the world is more important than some horse race!

The other day my hubby also used a towel in the bathroom but didn't replace it back on the towel rack.....and the next person to need a towel was guess who....him (ha, ha) and when he reached on the towel rack for a towel there wasn't one there because he was too lazy and inconsiderate to replace it! HA! It serves him right! I also heard on the radio they said Sometimes even the most hardened rocker needs to un-plug and go acoustic  and I said, Nah, actually no, not me! crank up that amp and blow out those speakers!  and my pain's so bad now too now my femur on my left leg hurts and every time I move my leg I wince in pain and my back pain is worse as well  and I wonder if I really do have some kind of cancer such as pancreatic or lung and it's spread to my bones, incl. spine, ribs, long bones, etc, and that's why everything always hurts? I also have indigestion so bad it kept waking me up during the night.

Half of her already in the shadows and the rest of her trying to grab on, realizing that all was lost.-Thomas Cayne


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