Thursday, June 27, 2024

Life Day By Day.

This is our old dishwasher. Yesterday we got our new one( shown below). The old was was a General Electric  and the new one is LG. The new one is all digital and only takes 2 hours to do opposed to 4 hours like the old one and it doesn't leak and make a puddle of water all over the kitchen floor,either and it's so quiet too and doesn't make that really loud chug,chug,chug sound like the old one did and it cleans so well too the 29 YR old was impressed and said, Look how shiny everything is! and he was happy to finally have clean dishes too and exclaimed in joy, Ooooh, look at all the forks! The guy also had to shut off all the power when he installed it and asked me about it and of course I have no idea about any of that stuff( or even where the thing is  to turn it off) so I had to get my hubby.

Here is the new one, all shiny and  brand-spanking new, and last night we also had a pretty pink sunset and today I still have the feeling of a "lump" in my throat and the indigestion which feels like a burning deep in my chest so now antacids are my best friend( actually Buddy is but they're my second best friend) and I keep popping them for the past couple of days) and today it woke me up at 5 am even though it had been 12 hours since I last ate and I hope that's all it is though and NOT my heart because I'm NOT missing that Billy Idol concert I have tickets for in August no matter what as I waited over 40 years for this!

It was also this kind of day yesterday and I was sweating like a pig with sweat just dripping and pouring off me and down my face and my shirt got soaked and then when I came in to check the weather the humidex was 31 C so no wonder and then later I got this massive headache and I knew we were getting rain which we did, lots of it and I had to pick another tick off Buddy as well and this one was already starting to embed itself under his neck into all the saggy wrinkles and skin folds.

I finally got my poutine last night too....only it cost a whopping 12$.....just for fries from a chip wagon which I think is expensive and even worse than a Big Mac! They did give me a plastic fork though which was a bonus and endeared me to them, and it was good(and I shared with Buddy and he liked it,too) but that's outrageous, and that was just for a small,too; the regular size cost 18$! It reminded me of every summer in Jr. High my friend D and I would go to the fry place and get fries & gravy every day for lunch. I also saw a recent photo of my friend I(from grade 8) and she got fat with age and menopause now,too, and it just goes to show that beauty and being thin doesn't last, and just look at what happened to Elvis and Marlon Brando!

Isn't this just the cutest and sweetest thing ever? I just looove him so much! I also heard that whistle-blower Julian Assange has finally been freed but it makes me suspicious that after all that they'd just let him go like that and I bet it's some sort of set-up and he'll be assassinated soon. I still remember too when I was a kid and I saw the creamy white Tame hair conditioner and I blurted out Ewww! It looks like sperm! and my mother just had this odd look on her face and goes, ...and HOW exactly would you know that? and the fear hit me and I froze in panic, realizing that I'd accidently implicated myself and almost revealed my deepest, darkest secret of being molested for years....and then quickly "saved" it by mumbling, Uh, just a guess....and then nothing more was ever said about it, and I'm so used to living with secrets but in hindsight I should have just let it out and that would have been my opportunity to tell her but I was afraid, afraid and ashamed and embarrassed, and so used to hiding it had just become my second-nature.
My avatar also got new clothes.

Fly Rasta.-Ziggy Marley


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Wordless Wednesday.

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