Saturday, June 29, 2024

Long Weekend.

I took these photos of the clouds the other day( not today as it's raining and even going to storm which will sadly ruin the airshow,too) and it originally looked like a heart but by the time I fumbled around to get just the right shot the clouds had shifted and I'd missed the moment and it was gone. Just like with sunsets; it goes so fast you have to capture it at just the right exact moment and mere seconds count. It's also a long holiday weekend so my asshole neighbour will be setting off fireworks under my bedroom window again for the next few nights as well  but hopefully he won't be able to tonight with the rain. Yesterday I also saw a search & rescue chopper flying by our house flying low quickly followed by a police chopper so I wonder if some fugitive was on the loose and they were looking for him?

This morning is also the first time in a week that my indigestion hasn't woken me up during the night(yay!) and it makes me wonder too with the baaad indigestion for the past week, the extreme sweating and the  upper back pain if maybe it's even my heart? Maybe my poor old broken heart just couldn't take it anymore and just finally gave up? I also felt like something pulsing just above my belly-button yesterday,too, and it felt like a little heart beat and it made me smile because it reminded me of when I was prego. it's probably something like an abdomenal aortic aneurysm though with my luck.It's "funny" too I just realized even though I'm left-handed I hold my joints in my right  hand! I love my dreads so much as well I still even have them as my hairstyle in all my dreams at night,too.

I also love this funky tie-dyed shirt, and my hubby refers to alot of my things as Smelly Stuff which incl. my weed, bath-bombs, essential oils, incense, candles,spicy ethnic foods cooking, air freshners, etc. and it's also Canada Day on Monday but I never go to any of the celebrations as it would be sort of hypocritical to do so when I hate this shithole, it's done me wrong so many times, and there's nothing for me to celebrate, and I still remember this guy I liked when I was 21 and first met in Ottawa on 1 July 1988,too; he was kind and sweet and soft-spoken and I was attracted to him but he had schizophrenia and was on disability and lived in a rooming-house with other recovering addicts and sometimes worked as a janitor and didn't have any $$$ so we'd just hang out at eachother's places or ride our bikes around and I wanted more out of life and also didn't want my kids to inherit mental illness so it never went anywhere but we were great friends.....yet ironically I didn't know at the time that I also had mental illness and that the guy I would later go on to marry did as well and that my kids would still end up inheriting it anyway.
Life always seems to still have a way of f*cking you over in the end anyway.

Time will tell on their power minds Making war just for fun Treating people just like pawns in chess Wait till their judgement day comes, yeah!-Black Sabbath


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