Saturday, June 1, 2024

This For Now.

Yesterday the 26 YR old ( one of the Edmonton Boys) sent me this photo of lilacs he took just because. Just because he knows I love lilacs. Wasn't that nice? I only wish I could smell the photo,too. He also said he's been working in BC for the past month. My hubby also sent me a photo by e-mail days ago too but I still never got it so I guess it must be lost floating around cyberspace somewhere. Yesterday I also had to pick yet another tick off Buddy again and this year there's more ticks than ever; it's really bad this season for some reason(maybe the mild winter?) and a big butterfly also kept flying all around Buddy and I yesterday as well as we sat out in the backyard. It looked almost like a Monarch,too, but not quite.

Yesterday I also saw robins and bumble bees mating( at least somebody got laid!!) and the 17 YR old went to the dinky little fair that's in town this weekend with his friend that has something like only 6 rides( how  sad and pathetic, I know) yet still charges something like 35$ for a ride pass which I think is a huge rip-off, and the 29 YR old went to a place with his "Artsy" friends, which I must say I prefer over him going to bars! Now it also doesn't get dark until after 9pm,too, so you know what that means......

We also safely made it thru May but now it's June we have to put up with this (see above) propaganda and indoctrination for an entire month, and I think do what you want in private but don't be so in-your-face and shoving it down everyone's throats. No one cares about your sex life. Really. Just keep it to yourself and keep the kids out of it.There's really no need to advertise it and force everyone to accept it.You just do you and leave the rest of us alone. Some things should just be kept private.Lately I've also had my cousin( who is a few years older than me and I saw as my brother when I was younger and we lived with them a couple of years when I was in Kindergarten) on my mind, in my heart,and in my thoughts alot lately, and almost as if a "message" is trying to be sent to me so I hope he's ok, and I think Yorkies are ugly,too, with that shaggy long fur; they look like little miniature Chewbacca dogs, and it's funny,too, my hubby only ever had mixed-breed "mutts" growing up and I've only ever had purebreds.

My hubby's also at the chess tournament in NY this weekend, either that or he just said that and he's  really actually away with his mistress, but either way I don't care because I still get a break too just the same, and tonight I'm going to order-in food for The Boys and I so we get a treat,too, and it's just mind-boggling how with Trump even convicted his followers are still sending $$$ to his campaign and supporting him; even comparing him to Jesus saying he was "wrongly convicted"(spare me!)it's almost like they're brainwashed cult follwers and he can still run for president,too, even being convicted doesn't disqualify him,oddly.even though you'd think it would(and it should) Man, what a f*cked-up country! He won't even be allowed to enter this country though as anyone with a conviction or criminal record is barred entry so even if (God forbid!) he's re-elected he still won't be allowed here even so.

Disappointment makes you detach from everything.-Yahiya Ali


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