Sunday, July 28, 2024

Bok Choy!

HA! This made me laugh! It reminds me of that bok choy joke my BFF and I had back when we were in grades 6 and 7 that she made up I wonder if she still even remembers it?(You had to be there). Now the birds and squirrels have also pretty much eaten all the mulberries off our trees but luckily for them the black walnuts are ready now but we didn't get that many this year for some reaosn, and I heard a radio commercial too saying "It's almost  back to school!" when we still have a month of summer left, and I saw  a photo of Trump at a rally and his ear is miracously healed after supposedly having part of it blown off being "shot"(it's a miracle! Hallelujah!) so he must be like a lizard and it grew back, and Israel bombed yet another school in Gaza again and killed over 30 people and injured over 100, and this was another so-called "safe" refuge where people were seeking shelter and they continue to bomb Yemen and Lebanon,too, wanting to start a war.Seriously though, what will it take  before this genocide is stopped? I also tried to get the California radio station yesterday and this weird alarm blasted and it loudly said, This station is not available in your country!  (or shithole in our case)even though I've been listening to it for over 3 years so I don't know what that was all about.

Get a load of this: look at all of the moles I have on my legs( and also on my arms) from the sun! Interestingly I only have them in the summer when I'm out in the sun tanning and in winter most of them fade away. I have so many I look like a spotted leopard and could play Connect-The-Dots! HA! I still laugh too remembering as a kid telling my cousin about how they had so many horses at camp and he asked how many and I enthused, Thousands! and he laughed in obvious disbelief, Thousands?  and laughed  and I said, Well, alot more than 10! and when I die and get cremated I bet I'll feel like a piece of pottery getting fired up in the kiln and my "cremains" will probably even smell like weed,too. I also always thought that being molested and bullied  as a kid didn't really affect me too much until I later found out I have personality disorders so I guess it really did. The 29 YR old also thinks him having 4-5 drinks at 'Da Club is "normal" and not too much "One every hour" he puts it but I think it's alot and he's an alcoholic; I think 1-2 would be about average.

I also heard online yesterday about the awful, inappropriate, even Satanic opening ceremonies at the Paris olympics( and someone even quipped we "should have let Hitler keep France; it "wasn't worth liberating") opening mocking Jesus, Christianity and the Last Supper, being blasphemous, degenerate,even a Satanic ritual, and I even saw a photo of some guy with his balls hanging out! People are so mad they're boycotting the games now,too, and sponsors are even pulling out and Christians and Muslims are in an uproar because He is one of  their prophets,too.I never watch it anyway, but that's JUST AWFUL and just goes to show who really rules the world today, Sad,too. They don't even bother to hide it anymore,either.I saw on the news this 3 year old went missing after a family trip to the park and was found dead drowned in a river and his family just recently immigrated here( from Ethiopia or Somalia, somewhere like that) last month or so,too, and his mother's prego and it's just so sad. I also realized my mother's kinda racist(that's just the way she was) and we never even realized: growing up when someone would ask things like, Is he Black? or Was she Chinese? she'd answer, No, just regular, meaning White....and that got me thinking,so if "regular" is White then that must mean anyone NOT White is "irregular?"
Yup, racist. Sorry.

I will never stand in the shadows again. -Kure Garba


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