Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Life Always Finds A Way.

Check this out! The vine branch had been broken off  at the end and yet a leaf still finds a way to survive and sprout! Just like how a weed can grow thru a crack in the sidewalk; things can grow and thrive and survive in the most hostile of environments. Life always finds a way. Yesterday I also took the lid off the garbage can to put something in and a bunch of squirming maggots fell out and landed on me and that was just really gross and the worst is the smell; it was the smell of decomp; of rotting decaying flesh and it stunk like a rotting corpse,esp. worse in the summer heat. Today it's also getting to 30 C with a humidex of 37 C and tomorrow we're getting a biiiig storm with torrential rain, the remnants of that hurricane, and that's also when my mother and I are going out for her birthday dinner,too.
Doesn't it just figure, and when my dreads get all wet I'll smell like a wet dog.

You can also see little fruits starting on our vines but oddly hardly any fruits this year on our Black Walnut tree even though last year there were lots so either it's well-hidden and I just can't see it or else the squirrels already ate it all or it's just a bad crop this year? My hubby also has his knee surgery(the same one he had years ago) in 3 more days and they oddly never had him go 1-2 weeks before for his Pre-Op like they normally do, bloodwork, etc. to check his platelets, etc. to make sure they're not too low so that he might "bleed out" during surgery, etc.and so far anyway they still haven't called him with a time yet but they're so half-assed here so I'm really not surprised.

Our vine leaves are also soooo big this year they're even bigger than my hand, and my hubby commented he hopes we have another fire and the house burns down because it's so delapidated and in disrepair and the kids wrecked it and we can't afford repairs but I told him NO WAY; it was bad enough the fire we did have in Ottawa  in 1996 and it was such a nightmare and nothing  is worth going thru that ever again and I even had PTSD and he wasn't home during the fire(but at a friend's house) and just arrived once the rest of us already got out (we had 6 kids at the time, incl. a newborn)so he didn't actually live thru the terror of escaping a burning house, being chased up the stairs and out the door by flames  and having his hair and eyelashes burned off or choking on smoke and having his lungs squeezed by smoke like I did.
My dog died,too.😭
I NEVER want to experience that ever again!

I also am thinking of going back to Cuba in the fall but I'm hesitant leaving Buddy for a week, esp,. since he'll be 18 1/2 next month and now he's so old, blind, deaf, and totally dependant on me he has bad separation anxiety and barks now every time whenever I'm not right by his side,and now people are protesting and boycotting KFC for making their food halal even though it just means it's safe for Muslims to eat according to their religious dietary laws (like Kosher for Jews) but it's not unsafe for everyone else; they're just all being racist assholes, and you know you're an alcoholic too when you panic not being able to buy booze for 2 weeks during the LCBO strike and it just makes me shake my head in disbelief and laugh; they act like they need alcohol to survive.
Loser boozers are just so pathetic.

Now look at this: do these look the same to you? I asked my hubby to get the cream on the left( it's my old empty one I ran out of it) in the squat bottle and he comes back with the lotion in the tall bottle on the right(I even sent him with a  photo).Geez, even a trained monkey can follow simple basic commands. It's interesting as well how most of the friends the kids had as teens at the old church are now all married and have kids of their own yet none of my kids do( just one is engaged) and one of them has a kid named Zarina ,too, which means princess in Russian, and when I really think about it  looking back my grandparents don't really seem like they were "nice" people as they were both racist; Babushka didn't like Black people and Dedushka said A Jap is a Jap and neither of them ever acknowledged their other 3 grandchildren my father had with 2 other women; they only acknowledged me as their grandchild because the others were illigitimate which I don't think is right because biologically they still are their grandchildren since their son still did father them; it's not like they were just unrelated kids of someone else he got with.

I've always just wanted to challenge life with a smirk.-Damian Heiden


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