Sunday, July 14, 2024


I can't believe it's the middle of July and the middle of summer already! Wow! Summer always goes by sooooo fast! This (above) is my view from the front veranda. I like to just sit there and enjoy the nature and savour the summer and soak up as much of it as I can. I also heard the other day there was a 6.1 earthquake on Vancouver Island and I wonder if our girls felt it? Here this week is going to be another hot one,too, in the 30 C's with a humidex feeling like 40 C  and my hubby says his knee after the surgery now actually hurts less than before (he even said he was going to play pickleball yesterday,too, the day right after, I don't think so!)and rates it only around a 1/10 on the pain scale and he's even up and hobbling around,too, which is good because last time he had the knee surgery he was confined to his recliner chair for days and would wince every time he'd try to move his leg.

The creepy teacher across the street also came back after nearly a week away so my guess is he was either camping, hunting, or on a killing spree, and the 29 YR old was wearing one of his fave. outfits as well: a crisp white dress shirt with a black tie, black pants and black sunglasses and he looked like one of the Blues Brothers or a stereotypical Secret Service agent, and Trump was shot yesterday in an assassination attempt,too, and I can't say that I'm really surprised; I even saw it coming(I had a dream he was before, only in my dream he actually WAS killed) so I guess someone wanted to make sure he wasn't re-elected but I thought that the gun nuts were his friends though? What is it with Americans though and their sick obsession with guns and killing their political leaders? I don't like Trump but I don't want him to be killed,either.

I also saw a curious thing on the news yesterday,too: blind hockey! How could they even see where the puck and the net is though and wouldn't they keep skating into eachother? How exactly would that even work? Israel also killed over 90 innocent Palestinian civilians in Gaza in an air raid on a so-called 'safe" area of "refuge" in an attempt to kill a Hamas leader. 
So they kill over 90 people just to get one guy.
That's just f*cked up.
Who is the real terrorist now?
Yesterday and today my cough and back is also really bad and if it's not one thing it's something else, and every day is a new struggle and every time I try to imagine my future it's always just a blank too so does that mean that there isn't one....or just that I can't yet see it?

When they call your name, better run and hide Tell you you're insane. you believe their lies.-Ozzy Osbourne


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