Saturday, July 27, 2024

One Day At A Time.

Look at this! You can clearly see the details on one of our vine leaves. I was able to get such a good shot as the sun was shining right thru it. I also noticed that Mr. Sunflower  has his first bloom of the season and I also saw the creepy teacher across the street with a big red can of gasoline and I wondered if he was going to arson something but then I saw he just filled up his lawnmower and then he attempted to cut his grass and he hardly ever does so it was really long and it kept all clogging up and stopping and he had to keep pulling on the stringy-thingy to re-start it, getting madder and madder, yelling, C'mon! Uggghhh! and then finally F*CK YOU!! and just dragged it to the driveway and stomped off in a fury....and then I saw something inspirational; a neighbour  with a ride-on tractor mower came by and did it for him (as he stood there, furiously crossing his arms and just glaring angrily at his lawn) which I thought was nice but then he didn't even bother to thank him(I'd be so grateful I'd practically be bowing down and kissing his feet!) and then after he left he patted himself on the back! That guy really is an asshole! I was also sitting out on the back porch later hitting the bong when some dirty bird flew by overhead and shit on my head and later on more neighbours were also out cutting their grass(I just love the smell of freshly cut grass but my allergies not so much) and I heard one guy curse, Oh, f*ck!  and I just love the sounds and smells of summer.

I also had this massive, just brutal headache all day yesterday as well and *nothing* would get rid of it no matter what; no matter how many Tylenols  and Advils  I gulped down and not even after smoking a Big Fatty and hitting the bong and smoking hash....nothing...I just ended up dizzy as f*ck and my eyes were so heavy I could hardly stay awake and my brain was "fried"....but I still had the headache but luckily( so far, anyway) when I woke up this morning it's finally gone,  and Buddy's so old now he  pretty much pees on his bed and blankets all the time now and I don't think he's even aware that he's done it so I just wash them with every laundry load but interestingly enough when he's with me in my bed he'll whine for me to lift him down to the floor so he doesn't pee in mine, and I think tattoos are also poetry in ink, and I heard some guy got a 7500$ fine just for hunting moose off-season too which I think is stupid and extreme; you get punished less for drunk driving!

I also heard the Alberta town of Jasper (I had a gerbil once as a kid I named Jasper!)half of it has been destroyed by wildfires and maybe, just maybe, if the gov't didn't give so much $$$ away to Ukraine and Israel to fund war they'd have more $$ to help combat forest fires here and there's over 400 wildfires in just BC alone but lucliky the kids are ok and it's not near any of them where they live in Alberta and BC, and I surprised myself too being able to figure out math!!! I only have 6 hashbrowns left with  a meal next time for the 4 of us when we normally have 8 ( 2 each) so I tried to figure out how to make it work and divide it equally and I was able to figure out if I cut the 6 in halves it would give me 12 pieces so that would be... what is 12 divided by 4 and I was like, Oh! I know that one! It's 3!  So I figure we each get 3 pieces(halves) which would end up equalling 1 1/2 full ones! Yay! I did it! I did a math! I also saw someone somewhere say that mothers never stop loving  their kids when they grow up estranged they just stop liking  them and that describes it just perfectly.

I felt the pain as if I were still that little girl and my heart broke for her. She never got love. She never got hugs. She was never told she was pretty, or smart.-Elliana Bowers


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Thought For Today.