Monday, July 8, 2024

This & That.

It's still so scorching sweltering hot out the humidex is already 29 C by the time I wake up by 6 am and later it gets to 29 C with humidex of 35 C and it was too hot even for me to sit out the back yesterday morning( only in the afternoon when it has some shade) but Buddy and I were able to sit out the front on the veranda which is cooler, has shade and usually a breeze. I also saw the Man With The Black Dog walk by who asked how my mother was doing and what was new and I told him about the upcoming concerts and he said he loves music and concerts as well and a sad realization hit me that  I have more in common with a neighbour I casually talk to than with my own hubby and I also saw The Teacher  across the street( that's his house and car in the photo above) and he was wearing the same clothes my hubby always does: a bright orange T-shirt with tan pants and black belt, making me laugh and wonder if there's even some Middle-Age White Guy Club out there and that's their official uniform? HA! I also saw him taking out a bunch of really long rope, tarps and a rifle out of his car yet he didn't have a deer carcas or anything on the top of his car like he would if he was a hunter.....I've always had bad vibes about that guy....he's creepy and lives all alone in that house and never has anyone visit...I mean no one ever...I'm convinced he has hostages in his basement or he's a serial killer or something...

This is also my view from the front veranda and I also saw 2 angry guys in a truck go next-door and bang on the drug dealer/asshole's door yesterday but no one was home( or they just didn't answer) so they left but kept coming back so my guess is he probably stole from them or ripped them off in some way, and I thought that hollyhocks and hibiscus were related and when I checked Google it confirmed it and it always feels so good to be right and maybe, just maybe, I'm NOT as stupid as everyone always gives me credit for, afterall, and every time I express my displeasure or complain about anything my hubby degrades me and says I'm hootin' & hollerin' again(I know, he's such a redneck, right?) and says I'm so "loud" but I told him I'm always ignored and no one ever listens to me so I have to be loud to make my voice heard,  and he also got the wrong thing again,too: I told him CeraVe cream(and I even gave him a photo and it's a short squat container with a pump)....and he got the lotion instead( in a tall bottle) and he brushes it off, cream, lotion.....same thing...only it's NOT; I need the thick creamy  cream to moisturize my dry skin which the thin runny liquid lotion doesn't do.
For someone who claims to be so smart he can be really stupid.

I also saw a magpie in one of our trees yesterday and I'd posted online I love Jamaica and someone replied, Jamaica loves you  and it just warmed my heart. It's my spiritual home and my friend J( from the YMCA group in Ottawa) is now  in Las Vegas and I reminded him, Remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas and I like it too how with the new Criminal Minds Evolution they have the characters swear now and say words like shit and f*ck and it just makes it more real and there's nothing quite like hearing Rossi  say For f*ck's sake! and yesterday I also saw a woman walk by and she was wearing a light pink shirt and had pink sunglasses she propped up on her blonde hair and it just looked so perfect I wanted to tell her but of course I didn't because, you know, that would be weird. Being autistic is just soooo hard.

I also had this Pesto, rice, quinoa whatever thingy and it was ok but I had to pick out the beans because my colon can't tolerate them(among other things) and I had to switch it and "trade" with other stuff in the freezer because my hubby keeps getting me the same things and I had doubles and even triples of the same old thing so I just swapped it for others in the freezer and then my hubby gets mad that now the 17 YR old will have doubles, even though he doesn't care if I do, so it's ok for me but not for him? Yesterday my hubby also took the 29 YR old to practice his driving and he was all set and ready  and waiting for him and had his shoes on and of course my hubby made him wait( like always) while he ate and etc... always making people wait for him and to revolve around his schedule; I swear, he thinks he's the centre of the universe, and I laughed hearing someone refer to Bingo Wings as Meat Curtains.😂

I also had my hubby pick up a new watch for my mother for her birthday( which is on Thursday) but I'll be giving it(and her cards) to her on Wed. when we have her birthday dinner( which will end up costing me 100$ so she better not ask me 'what else" I got for her) and he got this cheap-ass, ugly plain watch and I saw a bunch of odd-looking wasps as well and several, not just one or 2; instead of black and yellow stripes it was all just solid yellow, making me wonder if it's a new species or if they mutated, and if so, what caused it, and as I sat under the canopy at the back under the vines little seeds also kept raining down on me and getting in my hair,etc. and kept making me sneeze and not so good for my allergies and kept attracting wasps and bees,too! They also had a local agricultural fair this weekend too with truck and tractor pulls, cow shows, etc.....ooooh,. what "fun". 
 There's always just sooo much "excitement"going on in a "Bumble-F*ck" redneck hick-ass town! HA!

Jesus never told us to pray to him, he is the mediator from man to God.-Jay Cauthier


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