Thursday, August 1, 2024

A Day In The Life.

Yesterday was just soooo hot and humid and the air was just so "thick" it was too hot to even go outside(even at the front veranda) in the morning; it was a stay inside with the A/C day and I couldn't even go outside until the afternoon and today it's supposed to go up to 32 C with a humidex of 40C! It's days like this I really miss the pool and wish we could afford to have it open like we used to when the kids were still all here. I also saw a raccoon on our back porch the other night before it was even sunset but it WAS dark due to the rain and yesterday we also got 26 mm of rain with the storm and localized flooding and some people had power and Internet out as well. The squirrels are also back in our kitchen ceiling having chewed thru the wood piece my hubby put over the hole in the roof so he'll have to re-do only this time with an *aluminum* slab. Today is also my Babushka's birthday. She was born in 1912 ( the same year as the Titanic sank which is how I can remember it) but she died when she was 93.

I also have the Billy Idol concert a week tomorrow and I'm sooooo excited and can hardly wait  and I saw on the news last night on the writing they have at the bottom of the screen they spelled BC wrong, as in British Colombia , like the South American country Colombia instead of the proper Columbia (ha,ha) and the RCMP also arrested terrorists in their final stages of an attack on Toronto using axes and machetes (maybe targeting the Caribbean festival this weekend?) and it gave me a nightmare last night as well I was hacked in the back of the head with an axe and in the back of the neck with a machete and I could feel myself "bleeding out" and I knew I was going into shock and dying as I started to feel cold and tired and so I said my final prayers and let myself go to God. Israel also killed Hamas and Hezbollah leaders in Lebanon and Iran,too, but if anyone else ever tried a stunt like that, like say, Iran tried bombing 2-3 other countries like Israel did it would be a completely different story and there would be hell to pay....
Just sayin'....

Remember this? This was the Opening cermonies of the last Olympics 4 years ago.... a "prelude" of the Covid Scamdemic, letting us know what was ahead with the Grim Reaper and all the hospital beds and the vaccine, warning us ahead of time of the tyranny, the clamp-down, lockdowns,etc. and the only reason USA is doing so well at the Olympics now is only because Russia isn't there to compete and to kick their ass and it's NOT hijacking the news reports like it usually does likely because Canada sucks and isn't winning anything, or at least not enough to report, and the women's soccer team was even caught cheating too, sending a drone to spy on a rival team. This shithole really sucks in more ways than one. I wonder as well if the Mandela Effect is also a Psy-Op and just a form of mass brainwashing and indoctrination and a way of planting false memories and having society "re-programmed" to doubt their memories and to question everything they thought, remember and believe in and thought was real? I also wondered too when I was in the LDS church if the others also thought Joseph Smith was a false prophet  and con-man and the Book Of Mormon was a crock of shit like I always did ( but I just over-looked it because I liked other factors like their strong family and moral values) or if they actually really did believe it?

Yesterday I also told my hubby to "surprise" me picking me up food for my snack and I just expected a chicken sammich from Burger King or someplace( I keep it under 10$) but instead he came back with this quesadilla (shown above here) and he said it cost 18$ except he didn't know at the time( why he didn't check the price ahead of time I don't know) and it had pineapple salsa but it wasn't anywhere as good as the other place I liked( and closed up) and wasn't spicy, plus it also had alot of onions(yuck!)and beans( my colon can't tolerate) in it I had to keep picking out(I always get it without those disgusting things) and it was cold,too(I had to heat it up) so I won't be getting that again. As well as my ugly face what I'm also most embarrassed of is the fat rolls of "flubber" (flab and blubber) that loosly hangs on my belly(esp. when I sit down and I try to cover up and hide with my hands )after having all the kids that looks like an apron or a hot water bottle. Even losing weight the skin still just sags and hangs there, all loose and saggy, like saggy-baggy elephant skin and I hate it.

The dark night of the soul will take you to some nightmarish places.-Yasira


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