Thursday, August 29, 2024


Yesterday my friend F( from grade 6 ) posted on Facebook how in just one shopping trip he bought a Rolex watch ( shown here) a Chanel  bag, and Christian Louboutin shoes( shown below, the ones with the trademark red soles we all know cost a fortune) for his wife and a Zimmermann dress (which start at 1200$)at Holt Renfrew (the same place my BFF gets all her clothes from) for his daughter!(and last year he bought a Mercedes for his son)
Just wow!
That would have set him back thousands of $$$$ so he must be doing well for himself( he's an accountant)
but at the same time I also think he's showing-off,too, bragging posting about the ultra-expensive luxury goods he bought, trying to impress people but I don't think it worked because he never got any likes. They probably just think it's pompous and crass.I actually only really like the dress( even though it's waaay too short for my taste) but I actually think the shoes are kind of ugly and the watch looks too masculine. I don't envy it though because in reality I don't go anywhere to even be able to wear things like that anymore, anyway.
I'm also sure I have Pink Eye as for the past 3 days my left eye is swollen, red, "weepy", sticky, and itchy like crazy and has "gritty" cruddy kryke in it, and I can't believe it's been a week already since I went to the "Ex"( it only seems like a couple of days) and that it's almost September already,too! Schools are also enforcing a ban on cell phones during class starting this year too I think is a good idea; they should be listening to the teacher and not fiddling on their phones!

I also noticed this bump on my wrist and I worried what it was and then realized it was just my wrist bone I can now see once again I've lost weight( ha,ha)and my hubby put something in the garbage I already had all bagged & tagged on the veranda ready for pick-up only he forgot to put the lid back on....and the raccoons got into it and made a mess and he had to re-do it, the exact same thing he was just mentioning the other day about when one of the kids did it, and as for the kids I miss who they used to be before but NOT who they are now, and yesterday the radio DJ said it was Criminal Appreciation Day too and so for that guy who mugged me in L.A. back in 1984 that day was for you so I hope you enjoyed your day, scumbag. I've also always been hated and criticized for "talking too much" and "never shutting up"(I always got in trouble in school for it,too) and then later found out it's actually a common trait in autism so all this time,my entire life I'm being hated for something that's just part of my innate personality, something inborn that I can't help and have no control over, part of my disability, so basically it's no different than hating someone for being blind.

The gov't is also going to close the supervised injection sites as people complained all the junkies walking around their neighbourhoods and near schools and parks etc. and leaving used syringes around, etc. but others complain OD deaths will increase but I think the problem will just solve itself that way and besides it would be sort of a blessing for the addicts, and they're going to replace them with treatment centres instead which is much better to help them instead of enable them, and this shithole(along with USA) is also going to charge China a 100% tarriff on their EV's too, not wanting them to  be imported or sell here, which is hypocritical since they're also passing a  Draconian law that in a few years ALL cars have  to be electric; a Fascist law outlawing gas cars, and the Chinese ones would make it more affordable and accessable to more people and this is just plain protectionism, and Boeing being half-assed, skimping on safety for cost screwed-up yet again as well and they were supposed to bring astronauts back from the space station after 8 days but their plane.ship/vehicle-whatever-you-call-it broke so now they're stranded up there for months, until February until one from another company can rescue them!

Just like one can take a good action for the wrong intentions, a person can take a wrong action for good intentions.-David Dixon


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