Thursday, August 8, 2024

Frickin' Chicken.

Last night my hubby had coupons for KFC(or PFK in French) so we had chicken I named Frickin' Chicken just for laughs and yesterday as well I was moving vines when I was swarmed by a bunch of angry wasps and I got stung 4 times; 3 on my hand and once on my chest (so now my right boob is 10 X bigger than the left one!)and I'm always allergic so it all ballooned up and swelled up something like 10X the normal size and the skin's now all stretched-out and tight and all swollen  and itchy and now I feel like the Elephant Man or in my case I guess that would be the Elephant Ma'am. The itch just drives me insane too and it hurts as well being so swollen so I  put After-Bite on it to neutralize the venom and still have to take a Benedryl every few HRS  both yesterday and today still so now I'm also all "loopy" and  "woozy"from that and my fingers on my left hand( of course it had to be my dominant hand,too!) are so swollen I can hardly even bend them making it hard to wash my hair or type on the keyboard for example but soaking in a nice hot lavender Epsom salt bath helped soothe it a bit. It also kept waking me up during the night between the swelling, the pain,and the itch.
I f*cking *HATE* wasps!!
Those things are such assholes!

This also cracked me up and made me laugh, and we're supposed to get a shitload of rain( over 50 mm) tomorrow as well, remnants from the recent hurricane off the US Eastern seaboard,also the day of the concert so I just hope Toronto doesn't get floooded again and it ends up getting cancelled with MY "luck" esp. after waiting so long for it( over 40 years!) and my hubby also complained how he has to "waste his time"  driving me( even though I'm sure he can find somewhere there he can play chess or go see a movie or something)yet thinks nothing of driving over 3 HRS to Ottawa to see the 25 YR old, or to drop the kids off at the Toronto airport,(taking me to the airport or picking me up is always an inconvenience though) or driving all the way to Owen Sound( something like an 8 HR trip) for his brother or over 5 HRS to NY for a chess tournament, etc. it's always just a hassle when it's something for me, and he thinks concerts are a waste of time yet I think that his lame-ass anime conventions and Cosplay crrraaap is stupid and a waste of time,too, so there!

He was also limping again the other day too I wondered if it was his knee but turned out he has this biiig dark bruise on his thigh(same leg!) from where he slipped and fell playing pickleball the other day as the court was slippery with sand on it. My piece-of-shit computer also "froze"  yesterday and just got stuck too and I tried to re-boot but it just kept making these weird noises and the screen stayed black so the 17 YR old came and was able to fix it for me.Wasn't that nice of him?
 It's always good to know someone smart.😂

Apart from my own bipolar mind I have to face the criticism of the world and my own family. It's a fight for me everyday.-Anonymous


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