Friday, August 30, 2024

Last Long Weekend.

Holy shit! 
I can't believe it's the end of August already and Labour Day is almost here and it's the last long holiday weekend of the summer! Yikes!! My hubby left today for his weekend chess tournament in NY ( a 7 HR drive!)and doesn't get back until late Monday night so I made the souvlaki and rice really early this morning, just after 7 am so he'd have something to eat before he left( see? I'm not as "bad" as he thinks I am!) and just saved the rest for when the 17 YR old gets back from camping later today. I woke up with this weird headache this morning as well,I also was horrified to see more orange leaves on trees and even some leaves falling down already!
I'm not ready for summer to end yet!

It's also hard to believe that next month( in September) that it's been a year already since my mother's been in the LTC home and it's gone by soooo fast! Honestly life has been much better since though. Buddy also has diarrhrea for the past few days( incl. on my bedroom carpet again this morning!Yuck!) and even had a bit of blood in it this morning and when he lays down on his side all stretched out letting everything all hang out he looks like an old sow! 😂 Yesterday in the wasp trap I also caught the queen,too,(I could tell it was the queen as she was 3 times the size of the other wasps and she had huge wings) so it was a bonus!

The guy is also supposed to come today to clean the furnace and A/C, of course the time I'm here all alone so if he has any questions about it I have no idea; I just know where the furnace and A/C are and that's about it, and I still laugh,too, remembering the summer of grade 5 too my friend T and I went swimming( my mother would be just horrified if only she knew how many times I went off swimming unsupervised with my friends both in pools and the lake as a kid!!) and I decided I wanted boobs so I stuffed my bathingsuit with toilet paper...not thinking what would happen once it got all wet....and they got soaked and came out....yeah, I know, I was a dumb kid.😂HA!

I also saw this, the fancy Easter eggs I had as a kid and they were so pretty though I felt guilty about eating them, and I remember as well when I was around 5 I also had a Beatles colouring book and if I'd only kept it and still had it today I bet it would be worth alot of $$$ and I had several of their original vinyl LPs as well but unfortunately they(as well as all of my records, sob) were all lost in the fire. The 29 YR old also said I have Pink Eye because I "don't wash my hands" and you "get it from shit" which is stupid because I DO, esp. after always cleaning up Buddy's shit, and he said my mother is worse though' a filthy creature he calls her, being so dirty and hoarding which is actually true but looking back I think alot of it just has to do with dementia.

I also had these clogs when I was 12 or so.

...and this Barbie pool and I can still remember the frustration of putting Barbie in the inflatable and she'd always flip over and fall into the water. That would probably happen to my hubby too because he can't swim.

After being disappointed so many times, we begin to lose hope in everything.-Angelica


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