I was going to post this tomorrow but it's finally supposed to be nice out for the next few days and I'd rather be sitting outside in the sun than sitting inside on my computer. Today we got lots of rain but the grass was so yellow and dry it really needed it and now it's all nice and green again. I got new sunflowers again,too, seen here. It was 2 bouquets for 10$ which was good and I found it at the exact same store(right at entrance so you can't miss them) my hubby was just at yesterday and he swore they never had any (yeah, right...my ass!)he didn't even want me to get saying about my old ones dying if I'd "taken better care of them maybe they'd last longer"even though it HAD been a week and how long does he think they last?) and there was only one cash open with a big line and then another cashier called I can help you over here! so I eagerly ran over clutching my sunflowers and she scowls, NOT you! The next person in line!! and my face just "fell" and I slinked off back to the line and another cashier said she'd take me and brought me to the self-serve cash but only got me half-way and left and it kept asking me all these things I have no idea about and just want to get on with it and give it my credit card, pay and leave, so I just kept pushing buttons and something eventually worked and then it finally asked for my credit card and I was able to figure it out from there the rest of the way..
F*ck, I hate technology!
I also found 3 of the shirts my mother asked for and it looked like they said on the tag they were on sale for 5$ but it was really 15$ but even my hubby thought it said 5$ too so it wasn't just me. I was also mad all the pizza flavoured crackers were gone( the other flavours were all still there) and said silently to myself, "I *HATE* that f*cker that took the last one!"and I cursed them.
It turned out to be my hubby!
I did part of the items on the list and he did the other half and he had already picked up the pizza crackers, before I got there, telling me how lucky he was that he got the last ones!
So he was the "f*cker" that I hated and cursed.

This is also weird: there are these weird bumpy, wart-y looking things all over our vine leaves I think might be some sort of insect eggs, like maybe a catterpillar or something and I have also seen holes and what looks like chew marks on the leaves too as it something's been eating them,and I also have a canker sore ( Herpes!!! the 29 YR old laughs) on my bottom lip, heard a news reporter say the Seine River in France as The Seen River (instead of saying it like Sen,rhymes with ten) and I just got so mad,too, I stood up and yelled at the TV 'Seen'? It's NOT pronounced SEEN ! It's SEINE, you stupid f*cking idiot!! I was also re-reading old blog posts for notalgia and it reminded me too that I actually have 2 cysts on my ovary( I'd forgotten, actually and only remembered the one) one even "walnut-sized"and as well as the one on my kidney I remember also one on my bladder as well I had also forgotten about, so it's good I had a reminder as that might also help to explain my abdomenal pain.My hubby also not "liking" the "way" I load the dishwasher now as "revenge" or "payback" or whatever( or just because he's a childish immature dickhead) now he'll purposely leave the toilet seat up every time he goes pee now because he knows *I* don't like it, and he even told me so.He also basically ordered me to go to the store today when he said when it was "convenient for him"... or else, I didn't have the option, or he threatened if not then "next time I want him to take me somewhere or do something for me then he won't,either.
What a f*cking asshole.
Come to think of it now, I'm glad it was him I ended up cursing in Wal-Mart!😂

I also hope that I don't end up getting the virus the 17 YR old got off his friend at least not until after the Billy Idol concert on Friday( countdown; just 4 more days to go! Yippeeee!!!!)and I'm so tired of everything and everyone too; tired of life once I've seen the ELO concert in September there's nothing left for me to look forward to anymore, and once Buddy's gone no reason to even keep on living, nothing left here to keep me holding on anymore , and the 29 YR old's ex BF gets married this upcoming weekend and part of me secretly hopes the wedding gets cancelled (I know, that's mean; I'm sorry)but I also know that he'll still always hold a special place in her heart though because you never forget your first love, not even after you get married, not even when you get old. Every girl always remembers her first love. I also think that Black Walnut trees grow much faster than Maples because the neighbour's Black Walnut is under 5 years old( as there's no fruit yet) and yet it's already as tall as the 15 YR old + Maple beside it, I also saw a chipmunk today on the back porch; he poked his cute little chipmunk face thru the wood fence and then scampered up and ate a piece of popcorn I left out for the little munchkins.
You were born into a field of shit.-Michelle Maynes
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