Saturday, September 28, 2024


Hurricane Helene(I had a slut neighbour named Helene once too and she was a real bitch,too) hit Florida and other  Southern US states badly. It was a Cat 4 storm and people were warned if they didn't evacuate that it would be "unsurvivable" , the "Hurricane of the Century",and to mark on their bodies with permanent marker their ID like they do in Gaza so that rescue and recovery workers could ID their bodies. My pharmacist friend in WV also has a house in Georgia and this  is the damage the hurricane caused to her car and house(photo here and below) wow...just wow...and holy shit,too! We don't have hurricanes here( tornadoes, yes, but not hurricanes) although my mother did say that once before there WAS one rare one back in the 1950's when she was a kid named Hurricane Hazel that was quite bad and she still remembers to this day and she's 83 now. Yesterday as I was sitting outside ( it was 21 C, mild for this time of year still) a dragonfly also landed on me I thought was nice. One of my friends also has 2 kids, a boy and a girl and their names are Alexander and Alexandra which I think is kind of odd considering it's basically the same name, just male and female versions and no, they're not twins, just siblings.

Today I still have that blinding headache I had yesterday and ever since I woke up I also feel like I'm on "auto-pilot", sort of "spacey" , woozy,and out-of-my-body and extra "aware", and yesterday I read that this sounds like the "aura" people often get before Temporal Lobe Seizures, and I DO know that at times I feel sort of "detached" at times and hear a "buzzing" sound or smell a "burned" smell( which are also indicators a seizure is oncoming) and inside my mind I say to myself, "I'm going 'in' now" but never made the connection, so who knows....the past 2 days I also have this weird sort of "metallic" taste in my mouth too, sort of like blood except it's not.Yesterday it also felt like there was something sharp stuck in the left side of my throat.

Last night I also  stepped in a biiig warm squishy shit on the floor in the dark hallway with my bare feet that I didn't see and it all squished and oozed in-between my toes( and I was at a commercial break watching the news as well, not a good time) and I was just sooo grossed-out ( 'thank you" so "much" for that Buddy) and I was struggling to get stuff in the freezer but everything kept falling out and my hubby walks in and instead of helping me he makes some smart-ass remark and when I asked him why can't he just help instead of criticize he scoffs, because you wouldn't appreciate it,anyway! and walks off. I know, what an asshole, right? I also like this quilted dress pictured below, and there was this lottery I saw on a commercial( I don't do those things as gambling is a sin) and you could pick either a Porsche and a trip to Hawaii or 100K as the prize and I'd take the $$$ since I've already been to Hawaii( I loved it, yet again I can't imagine anyone going to Hawaii and thinking it sucked) and I don't drive plus we already have a car and we could really use the $$$ to get much-needed house repairs done.

And when you walk into her eyes, you won't believe The way she's always paying For a debt she never owes And a silent wind still blows That only she can hear and so she goes.-Skylark


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