Thursday, September 26, 2024

Newbie Doobie.

I got more pre-rolls  for next month and I even got some on sale,too! Yahoo! I just love a good sale, esp. on something I'm already going to buy anyway! Last night at 1:30 am I was also woken up by really baaaad heartburn; a deep burning boring deep in my chest and going up to my throat and back(I still have now,too and took a Pepcid when I got up) and  it was sooo bad it even actually hurt and kept me awake a couple of hours I even wondered too if I was maybe having a heart-attack but decided I wasn't  going to wake up my hubby and go to the hospital in the middle of the night; f*ck that; I just wanted to go back to sleep! My cough, stomach, back,and abdomen pain are also extra bad today,too. I just feel like utter shit. I've also lost so much weight I no longer have a "double-chin" anymore(yay! I  absolutely *HATED*  that thing!)...but now all my skin is also all loose, saggy and baggy and hangs off me, esp. arms and legs  and my skin is really jaundiced( yellow colour) as well and my face looks older now it's thinner and you can notice more wrinkles now(I always look healthier when I'm fatter and my face is fuller) and now I have what's commonly referred to as "Ozempic Face" and my face looks thin and "hollow" now, like when you're sick or old....but at least I'm NOT as fat!
I just can't seem to "win" either way!

Another toenail also just peeled right off again as well(shown here). 3/4 of the nail just came right off(and it wasn't injured or anything) just like both my baby toes(I inherited deformed toes from my mother, who also has missing bones in her feet, and everyone on her side of the family has the deformed toes my hubby refers to as my "Retarded toes") it has plus the one beside the baby toe on the left foot and now this one on the right foot as well, making me wonder if maybe it's even a melanoma under the toenail(esp. since I do have deformed toes) like Bob Marley had, causing the nails to just fall off like that, and if so, I'd be honoured to die the same way Bob Marley did. Buddy also peed on his blankets and refused to lay down in his bed and just sat there beside it looking up at me like saying, Well? Can you put clean blankets on?I'm not laying on that! so I removed the soiled ones for washing and put clean ones on and then he went and layed down. He's a diva! HA! My friend F( from grade 6) is also in Las Vegas now, with his wife who is attending a dental conference, and in just 3 days ( Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) we got 77 mm of rain which is more than the average for the entire month which is usually 70 mm.

People were also making fun of Doug Ford for "just" having a grade 12 education but he's still done well for himself; the guy's is Premier of the province, and others were posting online that immigrants,foreign students, asylum seekers, and refugees shouldn't  be allowed to use foodbanks; only citizens, to which I angrily shot back that it should be for everyone; for anyone in need as poverty doesn't discriminate, and I can't believe all the racist assholes out there, and people were criticizing the Journey frontman as well for messing up at a recent concert where he was weak on certain notes and warbled some songs at the end....even though he also did perfectly  at all the other shows, hundreds, if not thousands of them, over the years(I saw them live and they were excellent!), but people aren't even allowed to make one mistake or have one bad day without people getting all over them?
I swear, people are such assholes.

Memory, all alone in the moonlight I can dream of the old days Life was beautiful then I remember the time I knew what happiness was Let the memory live again.-Elaine Paige


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