Friday, October 11, 2024


I saw the Northern Lights last night!!
I put Buddy out for his bedtime pee and as always I looked up at the sky to see if I could see the stars and I did and it was a nice clear sky and I also noticed I could see some moving pink and green-ish shade lights too and thought to myself, What the f*ck is that? and then it occurred to me that maybe it's the Northern Lights, esp. since we DO live in the Northern hemisphere but I've never actually seen it for myself before(just photos and videos) so I questioned myself maybe I was just seeing/imagining things, esp. since I had just smoked some "doobage" awhile before....but then the 17 YR old said HE also saw it,too, and then this morning the radio DJ said to his co-host, Did you see the Northern Lights last night? so I know it was real. It was very faint, but still amazing even so.

While I was outside looking at the lights I also heard someone rummaging around in the driveway in the dark(and I could tell it was a person and not an animal) and at first I thought it was my hubby coming back from pickleball( he went back) and I called out but no answer so I went closer and called out again....still no answer and it sounded like it was coming closer to the backyard and shed area and the motion detector light went on and the funny thing was I wasn't even scared; I was just mad (how dare you f*cker even think to try and break into our house!!)and I yelled Who the f*ck is back there? I'm going to call the police!! and I went back into the house, furious, and saw the 17 YR old who said it was him just bringing in the garbage and recycling and he said he told me 5 times it was him but I don't hear too well and never heard him! HA! I thought he was a burglar and he's lucky I didn't call the cops on his ass or even end up hitting him over the head with the shovel I had out on the porch!😂

I also found this old photo of the now 21 and 25 year olds in our pool and yesterday it was so cold the "high" was only 9 C and I could only sit out for an hour I got so cold I could even see my breath and my nose was cold and it reminds me and still makes me laugh too remembering when our friend from California first visited here and it was in the winter  and as soon as she stepped out of the airport she was startled seeing her breath in the cold winter air and asked what it was, saying she's not smoking, and was surprised to learn you can actually see your warm breath contrasting with the frigid cold air!  They also say that today we're supposed to get some kind of magnetic solar flare thingy that might wipe-out Internet, radio signals, TV signals, etc.
Hey! Maybe Jesus is even coming back.,too?

Luckily my friend in Tampa weathered the hurricane and survived and he said everything is completely soaked and the water is up to his knees with flooded roads cut off and Sheridan Rd. Napoleon and Van Buren streets are underwater and his yard is all full of debris and the fence is in pieces and I haven't heard back from my other friend in Sarasota since so I hope she's ok. I was also smoking a J yesterday when I heard a dog barking and then a voice followed saying( about me and the smell of weed), "I know; it's back there!" ha,ha!

I also found these nostalgic Christmas decorations from the 70's bringing back happy memories from my childhood, and this year I'm going to decorate the tree in a white, silver, and pink theme, and my hubby went back to pickleball yesterday after resting his torn tendon in his toe( and he had much more free time when he was off) and now he got a really baaaaad cramp in his leg so it's always something but he still refuses to admit he's old(he turns 61 this month), and tonight after work the 29 YR old's also going to help his boss harvest his cannabis crop and I read somewhere too if you talk out loud to yourself(like I always do and always have done for as long as I remember) it's an indication that you grew up lonely and neglected and here all this time I just thought it was because I'm autistic and crazy!

Been roaming through this darkness I'm alive, but I'm alone And part of me is fighting this But part of me is gone.-3 Doors Down


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