Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Check this out! A big sore pimple on the middle of my right cheek! It's one of those really big tender sore ones too that just brings tears to your eyes when you try to squeeze it; you know, the kind that has lots of pus and gunk in it that just shoots right out but it's not quite "ripe" yet. A nice big chin-sun-doh as they say in Mandarin. Yesterday and today my mid to upper back on the left side also really hurts as well, making me wonder if perhaps I have a pulmonary embolism or something, esp. since my cough is so bad and I also feel dizzy. I swear, my body is slowly killing me. I also did decide to get the new dreadlocks style afterall, even though it ended up costing me over 300$ (and over 1K in total for the 4 different locs styles over time) but we all have to pay for the important things in life and it's worth  the $$$ though if it's something important and that matters and means alot to you and makes you feel happy and better about yourself and brings joy to your life and makes you happy.
You have to enjoy life while you're still alive,right?
Live the life you love.

This is also my fave. part of my house( as well as my backyard) : the stained glass window in our front door, esp. when the sun shines thru just right; I just think it's so pretty. and this morning it's a cold 1 C and we even had a frost warning overnight(and they said we might even get -gasp!-wet snow- so it's a good thing the 29 YR old's boss harvested his cannabis crops just  in time, and the curling club also had free lessons, etc. and I still had no interest and didn't go; they couldn't even pay me and it has to be one of the most boring  and lame things ever invented,too,it figures it was invented in this shithole, and I saw this commercial on TV for a restuarant that looked really good I wanted to try out and I assumed it was in or near Toronto since it was during the Toronto news but when I asked Alexa it said it was all the way in Montreal!

I also found these beautiful photos of sunsets on tropical beaches for my Facebook cover photo. Can you guess which one I picked? When my hubby mentioned about the 25 YR wanting to possibly move to the East Coast I said to him does she know how they get really bad winters there and hurricanes in the fall and what does her BF have to say about that? Does he want to move with her or will they end up going their own separate ways, etc? and he said I "always complicate things" but you don't just pick up and move; it's a more complicated process than that, and maybe he doesn't want to leave his job, his friends, etc. behind  and likes where he is,and there are lots of things you have to consider first and alot of logistics and planning you have to really think thru.

My hubby also said today he gets his toe "casted"  and at first I thought he meant get a cast put on it which I thought was odd since you don't get toes casted but taped, but he's actually getting a mold of his toes made for an orthotic for his torn tendon and it costs a whopping 450$ too but luckily his employee insurance covers 80% of it, and tomorrow he also has to go in to Toronto for work. I wonder if they'll even let him keep the cast/mold after as sort of a momento/ souvenir? I asked to be able to keep my gallbladder when it was taken out too but they said I couldn't; after the pathology lab checked it by law it had to be thrown out as "medical waste."
Too bad.

The 17 YR old also left his dish on the table for almost a week(ewww!!) as I'm not cleaning up after him(I'm not his slave) and now it all has bugs in it as well as green & white fuzzy mouldy stuff on it and the 29 YR old laughed that Trudeau is so  corrupt & scandalous he's "Canada's version of Trump" and now Israel even burned people ALIVE in  make-shift hospital tents (a new low, even for them) but of course the mainstream media didn't cover it; not one single mention and more and more each day I'm convinced that Netanyahu must be the Anti-Christ.I also heard this nice Hebrew word : mushka ( pronounced mooshka)that means "little soul" or "little one" and I'm considering even maybe naming my next dog that I like it so much and just think it's so sweet.

When you have lived chaos since birth, and chased it your whole life, there will be some consequences.-Chris Freyler


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