Saturday, October 12, 2024


Today(12 October) was the oldest's original Due-Date in 1989 but he was 4 days late. I didn't go into labour until the 15 th and it lasted 24 HRS and he was finally born on the 16th.I can't believe though it's already been 35 YRS; I can still remember being prego with him and it really doesn't seem like it was that long ago and then 10 more babies followed after him and now he's much older than I was when I had him, and when I was his age I would have been prego with baby # 10, who was born when I was 36 and I had the youngest when I was 40. I also saw this wedding gown again the other day, the first time was a few years ago when one of the TV news reporters wore it for her wedding and I thought it was just the most beautiful, dreamy, fairytale, princess gown ever and now I found out it's by designer Galia Lahav and named Bellina . I was also stunned stupid to find out that it costs a whopping 8400$ USD so in OUR $$$ that would probably be around 10K! Can you imagine though, 10K just for a dress you'd only wear once?(or for any dress, really, for that matter!)

My outside time is now also coming to a limit and soon to an end as yesterday it was so cold I couldn't even go outside until 10:30 am when it got up to 12 C and I could still only last for an hour and then for another hour later in the afternoon and it was also sooo windy, likely remnants from that hurricane, and I still haven't heard from my friend in Sarasota; the last time I heard from her was just before the hurricane and she's boarded up her house and evacuated so she's probably still at a shelter or somewhere and I heard millions of people are still without electric. Yesterday my hubby also bastardized the hashbrowns I made by putting vinegar on them! I was so insulted! It's just like peeing on them! I mean, who does something like that?It's sad to realize as well Buddy is no longer the "same" dog I had 10 years ago and I miss that; now he no longer is up for his walks anymore and can't run to the door to greet me anymore, and he doesn't play The Blanket Game anymore, etc. he's old and just sleeps all day and can barely walk and it's just so sad. Too bad things can't just stay the way they were though, like when the kids were younger too and were nicer, better people and still believed in God and still loved me.

I'm also cooking the turkeys today(the house is going to smell just wunnerbar all day!) and the other stuff for our Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, to split things up so it won't all be so overwhelming all at once on the same day and I'll have my mother do the gravy since I can't stand up that long and stir without feeling faint and that way she also feels like she's contributing and we'd also completely forgotten about the dinner rolls until I remembered yesterday too so my hubby runs out last minute  to get them and of course our usual kind we get were all gone so he had to get something else. I also heard that IUD's cause migraines which I found interesting but maybe it's a punishment for denying life and it doesn't actually stop fertilization either but implantation, so in theory you could be getting prego every month and killing your baby,possibly killing 12 babies a year!!.  I also believe there are many paths to God but as long as you believe in a Creator, an immortal soul and an afterlife all the rest is just details. I also have this red bump on my left arm that's really itchy and has a fat visible vein I wonder is maybe a blood-clot? They also say even alot of Trudeau's OWN people in his party are trying to oust him now,too! Ha, ha!!

Last night the 29 YR old also came home reeking of weed and I knew my hubby would blame me but this time I was innocent and sure enough he groused, It stinks in here!! and he ordered him to put his clothes in the laundry and to have a shower, and he said him and his boss only harvested half the crop too; he has 2 huge trees( NOT bushes) of cannabis plants too that are so tall you need a ladder to reach them and the stalks are as thick as his arm and now from the one plants they're hanging upside-down in his garage and take up half the garage and today they're doing the other plant. Wow!! He also said he has all kinds of lights, fans, heaters, etc. and other top-notch gadgets. I also wonder if my seeing the Northern Lights "counts" as my revelation of seeing a rainbow before I die,  and is a sign of Jesus' imminent return,esp. being seen all around the world at the same time which is unusual, with signs in the sky and great portents in Heaven, and also if Netanyahu IS the Anti-Christ and Jesus return to fight the Battle of Armageddon with him in Israel? It really wouldn't surprise me...and no one else seems to be stopping him!

The more you know, the crazier you look.-IlluminatiBot


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