Sunday, October 6, 2024

I'm Unstoppable.

Look what I finally found! Downy Unstopables  scent beads for the laundry!I'd had it on the shopping list for literally months, since summer and yet my hubby never picked it up and I found it hard to believe that no store anywhere had it, esp. since I still see commercials for it and I had it once before but it never showed up and he'd always cross it off the list and finally he'd just admitted that it was "too expensive" and a "waste of $$$" as it "costs over 20$" so he never picked it up, yada, yada, yesterday I finally had the chance to go out before I visited my  mother so I just picked it up myself and lo and behold there it was, an entire shelf of them in the laundry section, not hard to find and even on sale for 13$ Yahoo! I don't think it's a "waste" either to have nice fresh smelling laundry! Hmmmppph! My mother also said they just came out of another quarantine and they never tell them what it's for; a cold, the Flu, Covid, Ebola, or whatever, and she said she wants me to pick up for her a vintage perfume she "used to wear when she was single" even though the entire time I've known her( that would be 57 years) I've never  seen her wear perfume, make-up, nailpolish, jewellery, etc. so I wonder if she's trying to attract a mate now, or maybe just wants something nostalgic to remind her of the past? In any case, I checked and it was discontinued in 1971(it's called Escapade) and you can only find it now on e-Bay so we'll have to see if we can maybe get it for her Christmas present.

She also invited herself to our Thanksgiving dinner next weekend( and it's really hard for my hubby whenever she comes here as he has to load her in and out of the car and up the ramp,etc. plus she's always bossy & demanding,etc,too, like when she used to live here) when I was just planning on visiting her and bringing her a plate of food, and she said the 2 turkeys we got "wouldn't be enough" and insisted we get 2 more for a total of 4 even though we don't need that much and it costs too much, and she said when I run out of $$$ in March once the youngest turns 18 she'll give me 500$ a month but doesn't realize she has less than 1K in her account and doesn't have the $$$ she once did anymore, and I was shocked to see too her lower legs are so skinny now they're thinner than my arms  and look like chicken legs and on the way back I also saw a surveillance van; you know, the kind the FBI uses, and it made me wonder how many are even aware what it is...

I also found this, soooo perfect for me because I love him soooo much and this morning someone also got me up 15 minutes early too because he had to go out to pee and I won't say who but he's sausage-shaped, has short stubby little legs and a tail, and he's been so hungry lately as well he's always eating everything off the ground outside and off the carpet,etc. even though I DO feed him 3 times a day plus share my own food,and yesterday and today I also have this really baaad pain on my left side in my lower abdomen(likely my diverticulitis again and my colon keeps making these ungodly noises) so bad I wince and it hurts every time I move and I can hardly even move; it feels like something's about to rupture and today it's also a diffuse pain in the entire abdomen as well as on the left side, and the house on the corner actually got sold for that outrageous price,too, and my hubby was supposed to get moist cat food (as in pate)for the hanging wasp trap bait  too but didn't read the label( again!) and got shredded instead so I just gave it to Buddy and he liked it.It was still chicken.

My hubby also got reported to HR at work for insulting the "Dumb Guy" calling him a Dummy at a keyboard which *is* a mean thing to say and he talks down to him the same way he talks to me but he didn't think anything of it(bullies never do) as him and his friend at work talk like that and insult eachother all the time but I explained to him the difference is that they're friends  though and they know it's just playful banter and not an actual put-down, like how brothers always call eachother "endearing" names such as faggot, chode, butt-munch,etc.too  but if anyone else called them that they'd get punched-out. It's unprofessional at work and workplace bullying. I also wonder if the 2 youngest kids ( age 21 and 17) might even be gay(not that it changes anything) as neither of them have ever shown any interest in the opposite sex or ever even had crushes on anyone or been fans of celebs, etc. and I found out as well the songs Tubesnake Boogie by ZZ Top  and Unskinny Bop by Poison are actually about IT, getting it on, porking, copulating, f*cking, coitus,getting laid, boinking, screwing,  humping,HA! Who knew? Certainly not me.

There's the feeling that I'll never be who I want, so I don't know my true self. There's the thought in my mind that I'm a character to the world and they're writing the role for my life.-BelleAmour


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