Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Look what I got! Peanut butter & grape jelly sammich pockets and  chocolate hazelnut ( like Nutella) sammich pockets! Eeeeee!! They're frozen and you take them out and defrost it for 30 min. and then....yummm!! They're sooo good and the perfect breakfast or little snack! In Europe PB&J (the peanut butter part) is a foreign concept most people would find gross actually but I love it!(just NOT strawberry jam though because I hate berries!) Eating definitely is one of life's greatest pleasures, no doubt! It's still cold with today only a high of 9 C but then supposed to warm up to 15C to 20C starting tomorrow to next Tuesday so I can get back outside and now I'm only out to smoke weed and yesterday as I sat out hitting the bong it was doing something wet out but it was heavier than rain...dare I say it was probably even wet snow and then when a ray of sun peeked out and shone on me momentarily and warmed my face it was just  absolutely glorious! My hubby's also in Toronto for work today and his boss joked if him and his work friend (he has a sort of Bro-mance with)will be "having a lunch date" and when he told me I said, So, are you?and he said they are; they're going to Swiss Chalet together for lunch.HA!

Today the oldest also turns 35( which makes me feel really old!) and in just 2 more days #5 turns 30 as well, and the birth rate in this shithole is the lowest ever now they said as well but at least I did MY part having 11 kids and the cost of living is just so high now and everything is so expensive people can hardly even afford to live nowadays so they can't afford to have kids anymore,  and I used to listen to acid rock and rock acid-washed jeans but now I just have acid reflux and it used to be Sex,drugs, and Rock & Roll but now  I'm old it's just drugs and Rock& Roll for me and now the almost 30-YR old told me the inside trade secrets of singing it sort of ruined the "magic" for me,too, just like when I went to Universal Studios in California and saw all the tricks behind the  movie scenes and how everything is just a facade and an illusion, or like the first time flying and you see clouds aren't actually really  "fluffy" but just look like fog or steam up close, or when you find out that Santa isn't real.

It also wouldn't surprise me if the CIA or Mossad assassinates Trump ( esp. since Biden "warned" Iran if they did it "means war", sort of like he's giving someone the "Go ahead" and setting it up) as an excuse to blame Iran for it (Iran doesn't have to do anything; the American gun-nuts are already trying)as an excuse to start WWIII.
Remember Archduke Ferdinand in WWI?
I still laugh remembering too in Kindergarten my older cousin telling me 10x10=100 and  me going around telling everyone  my new-found knowledge and they didn't believe me and said "No, it's not; it's 20!" so I told them to go ask the teacher  if they didn't believe me and when they found out I was right everyone thought I was some sort of genius,ha,ha, but then I also believed my cousin when he told me he made up the word fart, so there's also that,too.

 I also think it was God protecting me from myself all along when my original plans fell thru during my life: I originally planned on studying at the university in Cairo after highschool but abandoned it as when the time came unrest(terrorism, war, etc) started brewing in the Middle East plus later when I DID eventually get to go to Egypt I didn't end up liking it, so I would have been miserable living there for 3-4 years and then I planned on going back to Russia to live and get married and have kids after college but then the gov't changed and the Soviet era fell so I didn't but it worked out as now with the Ukraine war my boys might have ended up conscripted for war, and I had arranged to stay at an ashram in India a few years back too but had to cancel for my gallbladder surgery and maybe it WAS for the best as I hear women often get raped there and me travelling solo would be more at risk although I doubt at my age and with my looks I'd really have to worry too much about being raped, and we moved to L.A but had to return due to the crime and maybe it was God foreseeing the wildfires years later to come He knew were ahead but I didnt?
He always knows what's best for us even if we don't see it at the time.

Life can really suck sometimes but you've got to try to find the light in it.-Alice Kraft


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Wordless Wednesday.