Monday, October 28, 2024

Say No To The Occult!

As well, yesterday I found out(the hard way!) that my Epic Meatball Stew does NOT freeze well; it got all squishy and soft (esp. the poor carrots!)when it defrosted and no one would eat it. That was what I had planned out for dinner and only Buddy ended up eating it.
What a bust!!
It's also been 10C the past few days too but going up to a balmy 22 C and 23 C Wednesday and Thursday this week so I can go back outside again! Yahoo!!
I also found out what was causing that blinding headache I had yesterday(and I felt all "woozy" all day and had a 3 HR nap!) and still again today,too:
sky-rocketing high BP!(even though I've been on meds for it for years)
I took my BP this morning to check as I know it can cause really baaaad headaches and sure enough:
it was 170/99!
Usual is 120/80 and  I wasn't particularly stressed or anything and it was taken as soon as I got up,too, and when I told my hubby he didn't even believe me and said the machine "must be broken" and "that can't be right" so I took his  to compare and it was normal so it wasn't the machine.
My worst of all-time was 175/150 when I had liver failure prego with the youngest, so if I end up having a heart-attack or stroke out at least you'll know why....
But I'm a tough old buzzard.

I'm not even the protagonist in my own life.


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