Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Slice Of Fall.

Yesterday I found this on our back porch and it's just so beautifully coloured I love it so I picked it up and kept it and put it in a cup on my computer desk...but this morning it's all dried up and shrivelled and crispy and dead so I'm glad I took the photo to remember it by. George Harrison was right though: All things must pass. Nothing lasts forever, good or bad.  I also smelled skunk in the yard yesterday again too and I bet that house at the corner must have been bought by someone from Toronto just like most of them have been lately, and esp. since no one from around here would pay over 400K for a small 3 bedroom house! I also didn't have any moist pate cat food when I re-filled the hanging wasp trap so I just put in some of Buddy's food instead as I figured what's really the difference between moist cat and dog food as it's still meat but then I thought  it didn't work as there were only flies in the trap and NOT wasps anymore....but then later on I saw some going in so I guess it was ok but with it being colder now there just aren't as many wasps anymore plus maybe we've just caught most of them now?

I also saw this and it made me laugh as that's what I always call Buddy; a Lowrider,and my friend F( from grade 6) also saw the musical The Life Of Pi and I know the story( of the guy in a shipwreck with the "tiger") but never saw it live and my mother said how "far he's come" and "has done so well for himself" too (which he has) being the youngest of a large immigrant Chinese family and as a kid always having to wear hand-me-downs that were often too small and I can still remember in school other kids making fun of him for wearing too-short pants above the ankles they taunted were "floods" and now he's a successful accountant rolling in $$$. Good for him though and now he can show them all!! A Cat 5 hurricane is also barreling towards Florida( after they just had a bad one; that's all they need!) right towards Tampa where one of my fave. Facebook friends lives, and I wonder too if my baaad pain in my lower left abdomen( it's so bad I literally see stars from the white-hot pain and almost pass out) could even be from the cysts on my ovary; maybe it's twisting(Twisted Sister, ha,ha) or the cysts are going to rupture or have grown bigger and are pressing on something?
Either way, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck!!

I think humans are born with a natural instinct that tells them that there's more to this life; that there is a Creator and an afterlife and most of us have an inborn desire to search for it and find it.


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