Saturday, October 5, 2024

Trash & Treasure.

Check this out! This lamp weighs 40 pounds and has a pure crystal base and proudly sits displayed in the 29 YR old's bedroom. He got it from one of his wealthy clients who was just going to -gasp-can you believe it-throw it out just because it had a little chip somewhere(I can't even notice!) so he asked if he could take it and they said yeah, sure; they were just going to toss it,anyway. It really is true: one man's trash is another man's treasure( just like one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter). Can you imagine just throwing away something like this? He also collects crystal so it added a nice addition to his collection. I also took more recent photos as well of his increasing collection of cool art; paintings he got at a local art gallery.

This is a weird one, and Buddy also keeps doing these really rank farts and there's nothing more gross and foul-smelling than old dog farts and he does some real rippers  and I'm worried about him as well; even though all he does is sleep all day yesterday and today he just seems extra lethargic and he was making these weird noises this morning as well and yesterday my hubby received a letter in the mail from the Attorney General I figured must be a jury summons and it WAS (poor sap!) so he had to fill out a form and mail it back and wait for more follow-up but said he only has a 6% chance of actually being called up as a juror and I remember my mother did that over 20 years ago when we lived in Ottawa as well and the 21 YR old got a letter too except she had already moved to BC. Luckily I've never been least not so far,anyway.

The 17 YR old's also camping with his friend and his family  this weekend and no one even told me until he was leaving yesterday so I had to go and switch around my dinner menus last-minute(which I absolutely hate!) with one less person here, and I heard people are paying 1-2 K for Taylor Swift concert tickets and they couldn't even pay  me that much to see her and that's just an outrageous price to see any concert, no matter who  it is, and I wouldn't even pay that much to see Bob Marley ( sorry Bob) even if he was still alive! I also heard on the news a 6 year old here in Ontario died of rabies from a bat but they couldn't find any bite marks so I wonder how exactly they got it from?

Yesterday I also kept seeing CF-18's screaming across the sky all day and we live near an airforce base so the odd time I do see them periodically  so it's not unusual but NOT like this, making me wonder if they're preparing for war; that Israel invading Lebanon( and how come it is that everyone got all riled up when Russia invaded Ukraine but when Israel invaded Lebanon no one gives a shit?) will trigger a wider war in the region, with Iran, Russia, and their allies( like China, North Korea, etc.) on one side and Israel, USA and NATO countries on the other, like a world war? If so I'm always on the side of the ones who got invaded, not the invaders.

I think I like this one the most.I also think that many of them are from the same artist?

More weird ones.

Now I'm also into my fall clothes. next week it's also only going to a high of 16 C so it might also be time to take the A/C out of my bedroom window. What do you think? I was also thinking about those decades-old rumours about Richard Gere and Rod Stewart and it makes me laugh: the one about Richard Gere putting gerbils up his ass for,well, "pleasure" which I actually doubt since he's a Buddhist and they harm no living thing; they won't even swat bugs so the odds of him doing that to a live gerbil and having it suffocate in there and die is unlikely, and how exactly is having it gnawing away and scratching his ass  apart in a desperate attempt to escape in any way "pleasure" anyway? As for Rod Stewart, when I was 12 I remember a rumour that he sucked 10 pounds of sperm off his drummer and had to have his stomach pumped and at the time I believed it because, well, you know, I was 12, and what does a dumb kid know,anyway, but now I laugh knowing how impossible that would be. HA!

I also like having my own blog where I can say and post anything I want without being censored, deleted or banned, with no limits what I can say, do, or post, and can freely express my opinions,and be political, unlike on Facebook  and Twitter, even if they aren't so-called "mainstream", even if they offend someone or aren't "politically correct and so on, etc. etc. 
F*ck 'em!
I can even put this (above) up if I want.
or this:

I will say there was not really a happy ending-Tammy Gallant


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