Friday, October 18, 2024

View From A Veranda.

Yesterday(like all days now) was cold in the morning( 0C like this morning) but then warmed up later in the afternoon to 14 C and we had sun but now only at the front of the house in the afternoons this time of year so Buddy and I got to sit out on the front veranda for a couple of hours in the sun and it was just magnificient!! We still needed a blanket but it was just glorious as we basked in the sun and I gazed up at the beautiful changing fall coloued leaves and I got some good photos,too! As I was sitting there this pretty little leaf also fluttered down off our Maple tree and landed on me too,sort of as a hello which I thought was nice and so I'm keeping it until it all shrivels up. 

Yesterday I also got an e-mail saying the bomber jacket I ordered and had custom-made last month is out for delivery today  and I have mixed emotions about it: happy and excited to finally get the jacket I've been wanting for over 30 years....and yet nervous and apprensive at the same time, worried what if I got ripped-off( esp. after spending so much $$$) and it's NOT like the photo and what I'm hoping for and expecting(esp. with MY "luck") and it actually ends up some cheap-looking knock-off in real life and I end up cheated and disappointed like I usually do?

I also think there's maybe something going on at the dance studio across the street ( more than just dancing) because I always see all these high-end fancy luxury cars there, unless, of course, they really are all just dropping their girls off for dance class and I notice as well now everyone seems to wear their backpacks on both  shoulders now too whereas when I was growing up it was only for dorks that did that and cool people always wore it slung over just one shoulder( which I still do!)  even though it's probably not so good for your back so it occurred to me when people see me still doing that I'm "dating" myself as a Gen X, ha, ha!

I was worried about Buddy yesterday as well as he hardly ate much and just seemed extra "blah" and lethargic and didn't even want to cuddle with me but just be left alone and I was afraid his Time had come but so far so good and today child # 5 is also 30 and now he feels "old" but how do you think it makes me feel though that I have older kids in their 30's? I still remember too he was even born fighting ( he's the one that has a Brown Belt in jiu-jitsu) as he was even born with one eye swollen shut and a fat lip! Him and the 17 YR old were also ingrates again yesterday too as he didn't eat the rice Pilaf I made for dinner and the 17 YR old didn't eat the souvlaki.
Why do I even bother?

I also asked my hubby if I could switch and visit my mother Sunday morning instead of tomorrow morning(as he has his stupid pickleball in the afternoon now; it got switched to when I'd normally visit her; always interupting everything) so I won't have to miss my morning Saturday radio show I always listen to( and why should *I* always have to be the one that misses everything anyway, and I'm also the only one that even visits her,too! )He never replied but hopefully, that way no one has to miss anything....Israel also confirmed it killed a Hamas leader so it should now end it's reign of terror in the region(it's genocide in Gaza and invasion of Lebanon) but we all know they still wont'
Just like when USA invaded Iraq, claiming they had "weapons of mass destruction" which they never did and even when they killed Saddam they still waged war. They just wanted the oil and everyone knew it just like how Israel wants more territory.

I also figured that even though it doesn't feel like I've accomplished anything in life that having 11 kids is still contributing to society, esp. now with the birth rate at it's all-time lowest ever and realized that everyone in their own way does contribute something in some way,too, whether they have kids, or they're a doctor, or they invent, or make music, being a helper, building things, creating beauty,etc. or whatever, and everyone has their own path,their own contribution, and their own purpose.

I keep finding ways to keep surviving through life.-Maya Posch


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Pondering For Today.