Saturday, November 30, 2024

Bastard Squirrel.

A bastard squirrel chewed thru Mr.Snowman's ( the outdoor Christmas light) wires and he died again, after just getting  all re-wired and re-lighted so my hubby had to fix it again and I visited mymother who WAS supposed to be out of isolation tomorrow but then her cough got worse so she has to stay longer now and they're starting her on antibiotics today and she introduced me to her newest PSW, a 6'6 guy ( that's probably how tall the 17 YR old will be full grown!) that smelled like onions and she calls Tiny and he was "hot",too, and by his accent I'd say is probably Nigerian. She also asked if the 30 YR old's GF will be coming over for Christmas which I thought was kind of odd; why would she come to our house and NOT with her own parents and  as the nurse came in so did my hubby and he said to her, Oh, I guess she's not in isolation anymore not all gowned up? as I just "snuck" in when no one was looking ,unnoticed ,and didn't wear a mask, gloves, or gown...and then she turned around and just glared at me and admonished, No, you're supposed to be!!! but we were just leaving anyway and I told him he just HAD to go and open his big mouth, didn't he?

I also have this really weird pain on the left side of my head all day plus a reaaallly baaaad headache and I'm really dizzy,too, so I decided to post this now, tonight, just in case I die in my sleep tonight or something and it never gets a chance to be told.
Because you just never know.
I also got some of that aerosol spray "snow" (I ran out of the small can and had to get a big one today to resume) and re-flocked the tree( shown here both in the light and dark, lit up) it did come flocked but it fades and discolours over the years in the light and the sun.Buddy and I also had all afternoon alone in the quiet as the guys all went out to play Dungeons & Dragons and  we should again for an entire week in Feb. too when they go to BC to visit the girls and with airfare 600$ you can go to Europe for that which is why I never travel domestically but only internationally; it's the same price  anyway so for that $$$ you might as well go somewhere interesting, different, and exotic!  The 25 and 28 YR olds and their BFs are going ,too, I find strange about the BF's coming along, too ,since they aren't even a part of the family, and esp.spending all that $$$!

My friend I from grade 8 also DID end up de-friending me on Facebook  over the postal strike afterall, just throwing away 43 years of friendship over a disagreement and I find that to be really petty. You can disagree on things  and still be friends, just disagree respectfully. I even have friends that are ex-military, Trump supporters, pro-Israel,etc. you don't have to be the same or agree on everything to be friends.I've also had friends de-friend me after over 30 years because I refused to take the Covid Clot-Shot,too. It 's sad and hurts to lose friends but then it also makes you realize how good of a friend were they really in the first place to begin with  though if they're so quick to just dump you over a difference of opinion? Who really "needs" friends like that,anyway? She had already also added one of the bullies from Jr. High that made me life hell as a friend on Facebook, making me feel hurt and betrayed ( and I didn't de-friend her for that) even after all she did, and yet she de-friends me over a disagreement? Seriously though, WTF?
Who needs people like that?

My hubby also said that people at McDonald's "work harder" than he does but he "earns waaaaay more" and yet the sad fact still remains that the people that do the hardest work( eg. fast-food workers, retail, migrant workers,etc. ) are also paid the least? I also heard the Purolator courier is owned by Canada Post too which explains why they're so lazy and don't even ring your doorbell but just leave a notice for YOU to go down and pick up your own package, so I know now on which one NOT to use,and my hubby  said as a kid he never had an allowance, either(I got 20$ a week) but collected empty pop bottles and returned them for 2 cents each and bought candy with the $$$ and I just find that so....sad. My mother would buy my clothes and my allowance was extra for "spending $$$" for things I wanted such as records, earrings, posters for my wall, Hello Kitty stuff, magazines and books, nailpolish,My Little Pony, stuffed toys,etc.Our childhoods were the opposite.
Our kids got allowance that they did chores and worked for.

My biggest dream was to have kids. Until I actually HAD kids.


Truth For The Day.



Tomorrow starts December already(holy shiiit....can you believe it?) and Advent and we start our Advent calendars( mine is shown here) and ours go all the way to New Year,too, not just up until Christmas, so that means an extra week of chocolate! Yahoo!! I got the Barbie  one again this year like I usually do since most of them are lame and the selection is pretty limited. I keep it in the bathroom on the third floor near my bedroom so that way every morning when I first get up to go pee and wash my face I'll see it and not forget.Plus, that way I also always start off every day with chocolate!! I've always liked Barbie (but I just never watched the movie though because it looked really stoopid) and I played with it up to and incl. when I was 12 and then I gave them all away to my younger cousin and I had 2-3 biiiig suitcases all full of stuff; dozens of Barbies  and Kens but also a few GI Joes thrown in there too because Ken was simply just too gay and Barbie needed a more "manly" BF. I also had all the accessories,too; hundreds of outfits, horses, cars, a pool, furniture, a camper,etc. Barbie was stylin' and lived large!Needless to say my little cousin was thrilled.

I also heard this weekend some areas are getting 50-60 cm of snow(the ski resorts will be happy and so will my cousins who love their snowmobiles) and others even up to 75-100 cm of snow and all we ever got once was just that light "dusting" on the tops of cars that one morning and some flurries but supposed to get an actual accumulation (but still only up to 6 cm or so, nothing significant) in the mid-week.and I also noticed I'd bitten the inside of my cheek in my sleep so I must have had a seizure during the night again and I also woke up just past Midnight and heard Stairway To Heaven. I heard as well someone who had a sore neck and back( like I do) ended up having a leaking brain aneurysm; the blood was leaking into her spine, and I also have pain in my upper back often,too; in-between my shoulder blades.

I also posted on Facebook  how the Canada Post mail strike I don't even really care or notice and my friend I( from grade 8) who works for them and is striking replied sarcastically 'Thanks' for your support! but I simply told her As a consumer I just see it differently and I hope she doesn't de-friend me over it, esp. since we've been friends since we were 14, but it's hard for me to feel "sorry" for them when they make 24$/HR( esp. for the job they do,esp. since kids basically do the same thing delivering newspapers and flyers(mailers for Americans) and only make something measely like 5-10$ a week) and have good benefits and pension and yet they still aren't satisfied and want more?  They're just like the teachers!I think they have it pretty good, esp. compared to alot of other workers and they shouldn't complain.

 Last night my hubby also brought me in the pizza stark naked,wearing nothing but socks and Crocs (I know, just soooo "sexy",right, ha,ha) and at first I just saw the pizza and went Oooh!! Pizza!!! and he said, Whaaat? It's supposed to be funny! and only then did I really notice and I replied, You should put some clothes on; you're going to be cold! and then I thought to myself as well, Oh, no! I hope he doesn't want to Do Anything (nik-nik)NOWbecause I wanna eat!! 😂😂

I don't have family. I just live with room-mates who also happen to be related to me.


Friday, November 29, 2024

Musing For Today.



Not too much going on lately, except yesterday the 30 YR old went all the way to Waterloo to a client for work which is something like a 3 HR drive each way so he had to leave by 6 am and was late coming back! Yesterday my "little" cousin S also turned 50 and I can still remember when I was a kid changing her diaper and giving her my Barbies when I "outgrew" them and now her own kids are all grown-up. My mother also called me yesterday and she sounded really congested and stuffy so my guess is she has a bad cold which would also explain the cough and 3 times over the past couple of days I even heard in Spanish (of all things!) on the radio a message telling me about my corazon ; warning me that I have a problem with my heart, which I understood completely, and I know it sounds crazy because it is but I know what I heard, and I also mis-heard a radio commercial as well they said For the love of boating  but I(with my bad hearing) thought they said For the love of Bodhi and also saw Aging gracefully   in fancy script but thought at first it said Dying gracefully. HA!

I also save 100% today by staying home on Black Friday and not buying anything, and I still have the piercing abdomenal pain( now day 3 I think) and it's also "spread" down to my ass too because now every time I sit down it hurts down there as well and makes me wince in pain, and when I listen to das radio on the Google Home device it has this annoying habit too of always interrupting for a commercial at the absolute worst time,too, right in the middle of the news or the weather report or in the middle of a real banger! Australia is also trying to ban social media for people under 16 (which is really Fascist and Big Brother!) and Quebec is considering the move,too, and the other day when I was complaining about something the 17 YR old snarled, Oh, just shut up! always so disrespectful to me; I'm not even "allowed" to show my displeasure for anything. My voice is not allowed to be heard in this family.

How I feel in life: standing out there all alone, on my own, different than all the others, surrounded by beauty, yet separate from it.


Weekend Words.

It sure makes misery alot more tolerable though!

I drive that motherf*cker!

....and cleaning shit off the carpet.

Kiss mi ras!

Yet still not good enough.

Not my circus and not my monkeys anymore.

My dog gives me judgemental looks every time I smoke weed!😂

Or than going along with the majority that is wrong.

Music is the best time-travel.

I'm just practising for bedtime.

People have always meant more to me than I ever have to them.
The story of my life.

How to do banking, mortgages, or taxes.

I can appreciate that.

I always imagine the worst but that doesn't mean that it's still not possible.


Thought For The Day.