Friday, November 29, 2024


Not too much going on lately, except yesterday the 30 YR old went all the way to Waterloo to a client for work which is something like a 3 HR drive each way so he had to leave by 6 am and was late coming back! Yesterday my "little" cousin S also turned 50 and I can still remember when I was a kid changing her diaper and giving her my Barbies when I "outgrew" them and now her own kids are all grown-up. My mother also called me yesterday and she sounded really congested and stuffy so my guess is she has a bad cold which would also explain the cough and 3 times over the past couple of days I even heard in Spanish (of all things!) on the radio a message telling me about my corazon ; warning me that I have a problem with my heart, which I understood completely, and I know it sounds crazy because it is but I know what I heard, and I also mis-heard a radio commercial as well they said For the love of boating  but I(with my bad hearing) thought they said For the love of Bodhi and also saw Aging gracefully   in fancy script but thought at first it said Dying gracefully. HA!

I also save 100% today by staying home on Black Friday and not buying anything, and I still have the piercing abdomenal pain( now day 3 I think) and it's also "spread" down to my ass too because now every time I sit down it hurts down there as well and makes me wince in pain, and when I listen to das radio on the Google Home device it has this annoying habit too of always interrupting for a commercial at the absolute worst time,too, right in the middle of the news or the weather report or in the middle of a real banger! Australia is also trying to ban social media for people under 16 (which is really Fascist and Big Brother!) and Quebec is considering the move,too, and the other day when I was complaining about something the 17 YR old snarled, Oh, just shut up! always so disrespectful to me; I'm not even "allowed" to show my displeasure for anything. My voice is not allowed to be heard in this family.

How I feel in life: standing out there all alone, on my own, different than all the others, surrounded by beauty, yet separate from it.


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