Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Charlotte The Harlot.

Look what surprise I found yesterday as I was putting my tins of pop into the fridge to get cold!
A tonic water!
Boy, was I ever surprised!!
I don't even know what that is! My hubby says it's a carbonated water, like a seltzer, like the fizzy Bubly drinks I like. Somehow someone f*cked-up at the canning factory and snuck it in the box amongst my caffeine-free diet cola! I always am that rare one-in-a-million that always gets that rare defect, broken item, missing part, wrong thing,etc. I swear I must be a jinx, but it's never the rarity for good things though like winning things; I'm not the rare statistic that would win the lottery but rather the rare case that would get hit by lightning because that's how I roll. I also had this maaajor really baaaad headache last night at the front of my head I figured my BP was probably high again which it was; 160-over-something and as I was checking it and it was scanning it shot up beyond 200 and the cuff was so tight too it felt like a boa constrictor squeezing my arm and my fingers even turned purple  and it felt like my arm was going to explode!

Last night a woman also called here for my hubby and was surprised that I picked up and was hesitant to leave a message( surprised a woman picked it up? Surprised he's married perhaps?) and she said her name is Charlotte.
I wonder if she's his mistress?
Charlotte The Harlot?
He laughed it off and said she's from the bridge club and she's like 80 years old except she sure didn't sound like an old lady...
I also thought for some reason it was hilariously funny that the meterologist on the TV news last night had a hoarse voice and she said that she felt under the weather and for some reason that just struck me as the funniest thing. Someone else also said they got a Lionel Messi tattoo and it looked good but I was like, OK, but who the f*ck is Lionel Messi,anyway?

Mr. Snowman has also fully recovered from his Luminectomy and has now successfully been re-released back out into the wild(shown here) but we're having so much rain I just hope it doesn't short-circuit all the lights(like it has other times) and this has also been the warmest November on record  and we haven't even had any snow yet and exactly a month yesterday it'll be Christmas already and they say the average person here will spend over 900$ on gifts too and I just spent under 50$, ha,ha, but I'm also poor and cheap and my family are ingrates that never appreciate anything from me anyway so why would I waste $$$ on them for?

This is also the biiiig inflatable ornament my hubby put up that I hate that thing because I always bang my head on it and he has so much hot air he was even able to blow it up with his mouth and didn't even need an air pump, ha,ha, and it also scares the shit out of me too because it hangs directly over the coffee table where I have my lit candles at sundown  and I fear one day the stupid thing will come crashing down and knock down the candles and cause a fire and we already HAD one fire at our old Ottawa house and we don't  need another  one!!

Both my friend I(from grade 8) and her hubby work for Canada Post  and are both now on strike at the same time so neither of them are bringing in an income now, and people are calling for the pro-Palestinian protesters to be jailed and deported,etc.(I wish *I* could get deported!) saying they're "anti-Semitic",etc. when really they're just anti-genocide (Israel's warcrimes in Gaza) but this Shithole has never taken dissent well; even in the 1800's they hung Louis Riel for "treason" for rebelling and standing up for Metis rights. Trump also said he'll be charging a 25% tariff on all goods imported from here and Mexico( so much for good trading partners and North American Free Trade!) and I think here and Mexico should just do a separate agreement together with just them and leave USA out in return! I'm also sad to hear my highschool friend M has divorced her second hubby( the American) but still lives there(she's not moving back here to the Shithole) even though she finally seemed happy after an abusive first marrige....and she was....for awhile....
but nothing lasts and you just have to enjoy while it lasts.
Nothing lasts forever..

Women are complicated beautiful people if allowed to thrive.-Papuan Black


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