Sunday, November 17, 2024


I saw this quote the other day pictured with a fat tiger that perfectly suited me and it said:
Unbothered,moisturized,happy,in my lane, focused,flourishing, chonk.
I also visited my mother yesterday who was happy to see me after 2 weeks and she finally noticed my new dreads and said it looked like I have "less hair" and I told her it was just put up,and my friend F( from grade 6) his wife is going to Spain (I've been to Barcelona and most remember that cool church that looks like it's made out of melting wax) and saw online somewhere too someone describe their hick-ass town as The ass-end of noplace and it made me laugh as it sounds just like this Bumble-F*ck town here! HA!

Dinner yesterday as also this yummy fried gnocchi stuffed with tomato and mozarella and I had a thought as well: you know how mothers worldwide have The Look they shoot at their kids to get them to behave? I wonder if Maori mothers in New Zealand give their kids the Haka warrior stare? That thing would scare the shit out of anybody, ha,ha, and the NDP threatens too to bring down the Trudeau gov't if they legislate the postal workers back to work during their strike( but we've all heard that before and they never do) but that would actually be a good thing as we'd get an election and a chance to finally get rid of that cockwomble!!

This is also my seasonal luxury(hence the fancy crystal glass!): chocolate hazelnut eggnog! I love it soooo much it's addictive almost like crack and I can even drink an entire carton in a day! That stuff is just soooooogood! My hubby also found some Christmas-scented candles he knows I like(see below) and they were even on sale,too( even better!) they are cinnamon and "sugar cookie" flavour(whatever that smells like?) and he also got pine and peppermint ones too I don't like but I'll just give them to my mother who will be happy to give them away as gifts to the LTC staff.Today I also hope to do my Christmas shopping before the December madness.

Good news! The 23 YR old's life-long dream has always been to go to Paris and to attend the Paris Fashion Week....and in Feb. she finally gets to go, and to Milan,too! A friend of hers she used to dog-sit for now lives in Paris too and said she can stay with her so she just has to pay for the airfare(but not hotel) which is a bonus! The second oldest also fulfilled her dream too of living in Japan for 3 years and the 25 YR old's dream might come true  as well if she gets her novel published! Yay!! The 30 YR old's boss also has knee replacement surgery in Jan. and is taking 2-3 months off work which means that he's off,too, meaning no income for 2-3 months as well and no way to pay rent  or buy food and he says he'll "just have to sell drugs or something" but he better NOT; it's just NOT worth possibly getting arrested and having a criminal record, and in Toronto they even shut down an entire lane of highway just to escort Taylor Swift ,too, disrupting thousands of commuters and motorists who live and work in the city which is hugely entitled and rude( she should have just taken a helicopter to the venue and not shut down the city!) and she must think she';s the Pope or the Queen or some other kind of dignitary! WTF though? She's just a pop singer( and not even a very good one!) Who does she think she is? Other entertainers come to the city all the time and they don't shut it down like that!
My God!! Really?????

I had to become a different person to survive and my family hates me for it.


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Thought For The Day.