Today is child # 2's birthday; she turns 34! I can't believe that I'm actually old enough to have kids in their 30's! Holy shit! The 30 YR old also finally came home yesterday morning just past 10 am and he said his GF is a Lonely Only Child (like I am!) and she hated it,too, and I asked him if both her parents are still alive and he said they were and when I asked if they're still married he said they never were and I was like, Uh....ok, are they still together? and he said yes, which is unusual these days. I guess they must either be old hippies or bikers(which is actually kind of cool) never having gotten married, and when I was growing up I was the only kid who didn't have both parents but now it's rare for people to have both original parents still together. For the past few days I also feel nauseaous on and off and the past couple of days 3 times or so I've also seen a bright light blue flash of light out the window too only it's NOT lightning(I saw it even when not raining) and it's an "orb" shape so I have no idea what it is. I also often smell what smells like shit, barf, or something burning too but there's nothing there so maybe I have a sinus or brain tumour or something, esp. with the left side of my nose always plugged?The outdoor Christmas lights also won't be done in time tomorrow for the parade either because yesterday my hubby played chess instead of doing them and this morning he's still in bed!
I also think on the Other Side people communicate telepathically and you can understand every language, and one of the Freedom Convoy protesters was found guilty in court yesterday too but not sentenced until the new year but could possibly get a 10 year jail term; hard time, just for violating Covid restrictions and protesting the Fascist oppressive gov't lockdowns and I think it's bizarre as well that just for one night at the Taylor Swift concert in Toronto some 50-60K people attended which is more than even live here in this Bumble-F*ck town! I also heard a radio ad for a therapy place and they said, You deserve the very best and I thought to myself, I might deserve the very best but I can't afford the very best.

The International Court has also said they've charged Netanyahu with war crimes(finally! About time!!) for Israel's genocide in Gaza and several countries have agreed to arrest him if he lands on their soil,(Hey, Benny-Boy, isn't it about time for a nice vacation? How about somewhere in Europe? I hear it's nice this time of year, ha,ha...) except, of course, for USA, kissing their ass and enabling them like always, but oddly this Shithole did agree and do the right thing for once, and in response to Ukraine's attack deep inside Russia with US made and sanctioned long-range missiles Russia has now launched ballistic missiles with multiple warheads( but NOT nuclear armed; it was just a warning to NOT POKE THE BEAR!) into Ukraine in response and now everyone's mad at and blames Russia even though Ukraine started it first!! I also heard the most disturbing thing the other day,too: a man raped 42 dogs to death! First of all, WTF, and they must have been really small dogs, and how could he even do that,anyway? Wouldn't they bite him? Some people are just soooo sick and perverted and their depravity never ceases to astound me.
With my hubby saying he's "not attracted to me anymore" also makes me think he has alot of nerve; it's obviously since I got old and gained weight even though he also did,too, equally,so what can he say? He's no "prize",either, and should look in the mirror! I also wasn't going to mention this before as he didn't want me to( probably embarrassed) and he didn't want the kids to know( although I don't know why; there's no shame; we're married) but last week to try and "prove" he's NOT cheating on me 5 minutes before I was to get up he walks into my room buck-naked and rolls me over and whips off my pants and climbs on and gave it to me(but who am I to complain?)...finally....after 17 years...and now I'm worried as for the past 3 days my crotch is burning, stinging,and itchy and I fear he gave me an STD, possibly from his mistress!
It was funny,too: when I saw my mother last week I gleefully announced to her:I got laid!! and she was shocked, surprised,and puzzled, and goes, By WHO?😂
"Life is hope. He who has lost hope has lost life!" - Plato
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