Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Day By Day.

Guess what? Today and tomorrow it's supposed to be warm again, like 20 C or so, but also rain tomorrow and this morning,too, but hopefully I can still get outside this afternoon! Yay! I had brought my fold-up lounge chair indoors for winter hibernation  for the season though so I'll have to haul it back out again. Today is also the presidential election in USA and I can't imagine if Trump gets elected again( it was bad enough the first time!) as he's just so unstable and unpredictable, not to mention that he wants to be practically an emperor(although also equally disturbing that Harris' celebrity supporters are the Satanic pedophiles,too), and my hubby shocked me by actually being OK with it, saying when he was the Prez before his investments did well but I'm just hoping and praying *whoever* gets in that it's the best person for the majority of people not only in USA but in the world, esp. for those just struggling trying to get by,and also for unity and world peace. My hubby's toe orthotic is also ready tomorrow and last night him and the 17 YR old went out to a board games night and the 30 YR old would have gone too but he just got home from work and was in the shower and they wouldn't wait for him.

One of my cousins in Europe also booked a cruise to Japan for next year with her BFF and cruises are addictive; I've been on 6 or so myself and I saw pussywillows the other day as well I haven't seen in years and it made me smile and brought back happy memories as I used to pick them as a kid and bring them home and put them in a vase on the table, and Quincy Jones died ,too, and he was 91; I didn't think he was that old though; I thought in his 70's or 80's and I was surprised that my hubby even knew who he was as music isn't really his "thing" and exactly 2 months yesterday will be my birthday too and I turn 58 and I realized that's really close to 60....and that's frickin' old!
Oh, my gawd!!!

Do you like Buddy's new look?😂
He also woke me up whimpering and when I checked his head was completely covered up with a blanket and he couldn't breathe so I quickly took it off him,poor boy, and I have one of those *REALLY* sore big red pimples on the inside of my left nostril,too, the kind that brings tears to your eyes, and now all the sheeple  are wearing the red poppies on their lapels too; the news crew, the politicians, people in the street,etc. all programmed, conditioned, and indoctrinated to glorify and promote the military and war but I never do(I've never followed the crowd,anyway) in protest as I'm only for peace and it makes me a sort of a pariah but f*ck it, I'm used to it, to always being an outsider, anyway,and now Israel has even banned UN relief agencies in Gaza,too, cutting off all humanitarian aid and of course, no one says a thing yet if Russia ,.for example, tried that with Ukraine there would be a world outcry.

 On the news they said there's a big theft problem with pickleball paddles/raquets in the stores too as they're so expensive( 250$-350$) and yet my hubby complains when *I* spend just 10$ on flowers? Also for our snacks my hubby gets whoever has the weekly 5$ or 6$ specials but I don't mind as that way I always get a variety of different snacks, and now I know the 30 YR old has been sneaking  his "conquests"(and I'd hope at least he'd take them out on proper dates,too, and not just use them as "Booty Calls.") into the house and up into his room it's made me sort of "paranoid" and now I'm extra "vigilant" and listen for every little sound now and pay extra attention and it's never been any "secret" that he's a "man whore"; I just don't want him banging his 'hos here in our home( he can just go do it somewhere else!) and if he can't be respectable and follow the rules then maybe the time has come now for him to move out and get a place of his own even though he can't afford it but maybe he should have thought of that before?

All these things of yours that you love are taking your place and dying instead of you.-George Velasco


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